Issue 465 - December, 3rd 2020
Drupal Core - Critical - Arbitrary PHP Code Execution - SA-CORE-2020-013
Drupal Core Is Now Using Composer/semver Version 3
Drupal Core Announcements: Feedback Needed: Dropping Support for Internet Explorer 11 in Drupal 10
Migrations Can Now Be Derived and Executed After a Specific Other Migration
MySQL 8 Support on Drupal 7
Drupal 7.76 introduces support for MySQL 8 (and also better support for MySQL 5.7).
D7 Can Use Site Name in From: Header for System E-Mails
Waiting for Lock in D7's variable_initialize() Is Optional and Off by Default
From Our Sponsor

Remote Development Success: Lessons from the Drupal 9 Team
What was it like to release Drupal 9 amidst the sudden shift to fully remote teams? Angie Byron, Acquia's Sr. Director of Product and the author of "Using Drupal" gives us the low down and more!
Don’t Let a Bare-Bones Backend Design Leave Your Site Editors Stranded
Drupal Backender Learns Gatsby: Core JSON:API vs GraphQL 3
Expressive Authoring with Layout Paragraphs
Webinar: Keep Your Clients Happy - Opportunities for Drupal Agencies
Keep your developers engaged and your clients happy. Start building personal digital experiences with Drupal and other Open Source Technologies like Unomi and Mautic. Position Drupal as a DXP. Subscribe to this free 30-min webinar to learn how.
Intro to Drupal Security
New Drupal Module: Multi-Value Form Elements
"This small module provides a form element that allows you to easily define multi-value elements in your custom forms. Much like what field widgets provide with the Add another item Ajax button."
Open Source: The Gift That Keeps on Giving
Pantheon is running an event for those contributing to WordPress and Drupal in the month of December. Check it out.
PHPStan Is Ready for PHP 8!
Why Upgrade PHP: A Guide Without Complicated Explanations
Ajax Elements in Drupal Form Tables
Create a Dynamic Route and Upcast Its Parameter in Drupal 8
Thanksgiving Eve Emergency Security Update? You're Just Chillin'
Advagg 7.x-2.35
Bem 8.x-3.5
composer_deploy 8.x-1.6
config_token 8.x-1.2
Ddev v1.16.1 Bug Fixes and Docs Updates
Docker4Drupal 5.4.23
Drupal 7.75
Drupal 8.8.12
Drupal 8.9.10
Drupal Console v1.9.7
Entity 8.x-1.2
Entityqueue 8.x-1.2
entity_redirect 8.x-2.0
Examples 8.x-1.1
Features 7.x-2.13
Hosting 7.x-3.190
imagecache_external 8.x-1.3
Lando v3.0.21
media_gallery 8.x-1.2
page_title_visibility 8.x-1.3
Provision 7.x-3.190
Restui 8.x-1.19
views_bulk_edit 8.x-2.5
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