Issue 5 - October 20, 2011
This week is a Themeing and Display Suite bonanza!
Questions for Dries Buytaert's BADCamp keynote interview?
2011 Open Source Awards
Be sure and vote for your favorite CMS.
DrupalCamp Austin
November 19th & 20th, 2011 in Austin, Texas.
Drupal on the Bayou - A Drupal Summit
December 8th & 9th in New Orleans, Louisiana.
DrupalCampNYC 10
December 10th, 2011 in New York City.
DrupalCamp Michigan Registration Re-Opened
If you missed your chance to register don't make that mistake again.
Articles & Tutorials
Managing any form with Renderable elements, Field group and Display Suite
This may be to coolest post of the week(be sure to watch the screencast). Swentel shows us how to use the Renderable elements module along with Display Suite to do some crazy stuff to node, contact, webform and views exposed filter forms. No need to write your own modules to modify forms! Pretty cool stuff.
Chatroom Feature for Drupal 6.x built with Node.js and Backbone.js
Using Rsync to merge code differences
A really quick tip about using rsync to sync a site on a different server.
Book Review - Drupal 7 Fields/CCK: Beginner's Guide
Extending the subscriptions module: node reference subscriptions
Eric shows use how we can extend the functionality of subscriptions module to include subscriptions to node referenced nodes.
Using CTools Access Rulesets in module development.
Yuriy Gerasimov from Trellon shows us how to limit file downloads by creating a custom module using CTools Access Rulesets.
Breathing new life into the testbot - Part 2
Leveling Up Your Themer (lvl1): Getting Started
David Needham of ChapterThree gives us a good theming primer in part 1 of his three part series covering intermediate Drupal 7 theming.
Theming Philosophy
Emma Jane Hogbin of Design to Theme gives us a peak at her theming philosophy. I really like her economical approach.
Base Themes by Emma Jane Hogbin
Steps to Building a Drupal Theme by Emma Jane Hogbin
Redirect 403 to User Login (r4032login module)
When a user hits an access denied screen a kitten dies. No, seriously this is a great module that redirects a user to a login page when they hit an access denied page. The good folks at Friendly Drupal give us the lowdown.
Module Monday: Entity Construction Kit
Jeff Eaton introduces us to a new module for creating Entities. ECK is to entities what CCK is to content types. Still early days with this module but it looks very promising.
field_permissions 7.x-1.0-beta1
Achieve Internet and Volacci Release the Drupal 7 Stickynote Module
This looks like a cool module with usefulness beyond SEO. It allows permissioned users to add, edit and view sticky notes on pages of your site. Great idea.
Discovered the Display Suite Module for Drupal 7
If you haven't checked out Display Suite for Drupal 7 you should give Art Williams' post a read.
Drush Site Aliases and Interactive Shell
A friendly little screencast on getting Drush site aliases set up. If you've every grown tired of cd-ing up and down your Drupal installs to use Drush you need vide this tutorial.
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Director of Web Services
Howard University Washington/DC/US
Full Stack Drupal Engineer
4AllPromos CT/US
Lead Drupal Developer
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