Issue 510 - October, 28th 2021
Drupal Core News: Drupal 9.3.0-Alpha1 Will Be Released the Week of October 25
Gábor Hojtsy: Seven Days to Go Until Drupal 8 EOL: Start Using Composer!
Config Mappings Are Sorted the Way They Are Defined in Their Schema
Drupal Association at-Large Board Election 2021 - Winner Announced
Welcome (Again) Donna Bungard as Full Member of the Community Working Group's Conflict Resolution Team
DrupalCon News: A Note About Our First Year Back in-Person
From Our Sponsor

Gear for Developers on For the Dev
If you're looking for some new developer t-shirts we have what you're looking for at Check out our work from home and Drupal shirts. Want a WeeklyDrop shirt? We have them as well and much more.
Dries Buytaert: Who Sponsors Drupal Development? (2020-2021 Edition)
Drupal 8 End-of-Life: FAQs
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Popular CLI Tool Renovated: What’s New in Drush 9 & 10
Custom Entity Types with Drush in Drupal 9
Debugging Composer Dependency Conflicts
How to Have Your Drupal 7 Theme Ready for Drupal 9
Migration Perspectives, Planners, Plugins, Checklists, Modules & More
Get this comprehensive guide that covers the full spectrum of Drupal migration tools and resources -- with input from the entire Drupal community. There’s no substitute for a smart start and the right resources to optimize your migration and keep it on course.
What Every Drupal Website Should Have from the Start
better_exposed_filters 8.x-4.0
commerce_shipping 8.x-2.2
csv_importer 8.x-1.12
exclude_node_title 8.x-1.3
field_create 1.0.0-Beta3
This module allows you to quickly create fields from a list defined in custom configuration files.
Lando v3.5.0
menu_manipulator 3.0.2
Nodeaccess 8.x-1.1
security_pack 1.0.5
user_lock 8.x-2.0
Tag1 Consulting: Drupal Security and Drupal End of Life, with Michael Hess
Talking Drupal #317 - Govcon Keynote Non-Code Contribution: Using Your Passion and Skills to Power Open Source.
Talking Drupal #318 - DDEV with Randy Fay
New England Drupal Camp (NEDCamp) Keynote
We are excited to announce our NEDCamp 2021 keynote. We have Courtney Kelley Bedard joining us to talk about the tools you need to get back to building the life you want. Don't miss this great keynote with a day full of BoF's and training. Visit to learn more, view the schedule, and register.
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