Issue 533 - April, 28th 2022
Security Advisories: Drupal Core - Moderately Critical - Improper Input Validation - SA-CORE-2022-008
Security Advisories: Drupal Core - Moderately Critical - Access Bypass - SA-CORE-2022-009
Drupal.displace Utility Now Adds CSS Custom Properties to Root HTML Element Blog: What’s New on - Q1 2022
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Putting the Continuous in CI/CD: Deploy in minutes, not weeks!
Building digital experiences takes more than hosting. It requires many different tools and services to plan, build, test, review, and deploy. Join our webinar on May 4 at 1PM EDT to learn how Acquia and GitLab eliminate silos and the effort required to maintain the DevOps workflow.
DrupalCon News: Explore the Thriving Drupal Agency Ecosystem
DrupalCon News: How Has Your Organization Used Drupal to Accelerate Digital Transformation?
DrupalCon News: Users & Editors Track - the User as the Center of the Digital Experience
Let’s Get This Drupal Party Started: Intriguing Sessions to Attend at DrupalCon Portland 2022
Top DrupalCon 2022 Sessions for University and College Websites | ImageX
Top Picks for Developers at DrupalCon Portland 2022 | ImageX
Top Sessions for Non-Profit Marketers at DrupalCon Portland 2022 | ImageX
Centarro: The ABCs of PDPs and PLPs
Decoupled Menus (And Beyond) at DrupalCon Portland - Brian Perry
Docksal: Docksal 1.17.0 Release
Lullabot: The Present and Future of Drupal’s Administrative Interface Sneak Peak: Proof-of-Concept of Customisable Footer for a LocalGov Drupal Microsite
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Morpht: Announcing the Field Formatter Pattern Module
Morpht: Announcing the Search API Field Token Module
Nonprofit Drupal Posts: April Drupal for Nonprofits Chat 3 Things to Know About Drupal in 2022
"Several changes have made Drupal more accessible and easier to use."
#! Code: Drupal 9: Using the Caching API to Store Data
Aten Design Group: Set Up a Local Drupal Multisite with Lando on Mac OS
Gear for Developers - FortheDev
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Dashboards 2.0.2
disable_messages 2.1.0
Drupal 9.2.18
Drupal 9.3.12
Fontawesome 8.x-2.23
Gin 8.x-3.0-Beta2
Gutenberg 8.x-2.5
Lando v3.6.5
migrate_plus 6.0.0
migrate_tools 6.0.0
Paragraphs 8.x-1.14
Pathauto 8.x-1.10
Tome 8.x-1.7
Varbase 9.0.6
Lullabot Podcast: Small Team Skills -- Putting in the Work on a Drupal 7 Upgrade
Talking Drupal: Talking Drupal #344 - OTC - Cypress, New Tools and More
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