Issue 554 - September, 22nd 2022
DrupalCon is currently in session so look out for some content from it next week!
Bartik Theme Is Deprecated
Stable Theme Has Been Removed from Core
Drupal Founder, Dries Buytaert, to Keynote GitKon 2022
From Our Sponsor

Taking Your Multi-Site Management at Scale to the Next Level
Digital experts from Princeton, FFW and Acquia share best practices from their experiences tackling multi-site management at scale.
Morpht: Announcing the Ayrshare - a Drupal Module for Social Posting
Personalized Content Preview for Your Decoupled Drupal Sites | Chapter Three
The Drop Times: Grading Drupal Contributions: Why Now and What Next
Gear for Developers - FortheDev
If you're looking for some new developer t-shirts we have what you're looking for at Check out our work from home and Drupal shirts. Want a WeeklyDrop shirt? We have them as well and much more.
WebProfiler: Updates from the Project
#! Code: Drupal 9: Debugging Cache Problems with the Cache Review Module
Lemberg Solutions: How to Use Drupal Layout Builder to Make Newsletters Look Good
Mike Herchel's Blog: New to Drupal: Improved Dumping of Twig Variables!
I somehow missed this article last week, still worth checking out :)
Morpht: Using Cloudflare Workers for Geo Personalisation
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For over ten years TheWeeklyDrop has been a community fixture sending news and resources to the community every week. If you would like to get your message in front of the Drupal community TheWeeklyDrop is the right medium for you. How I Switched from Docker Desktop to Colima
Specbee: How to Implement Algolia Search in Drupal 9 (Part 2)
automatic_updates 8.x-2.2
Color 1.0.3
Drupal 10.0.0-Beta1
Drupal 9.4.6
Drupal 9.5.0-Beta1
Drupal Console v1.9.9
Purge 8.x-3.4
Subrequests 3.0.5
Talking Drupal #365 - Event Platform
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