The best Drupal news and links delivered to your inbox every week

Issue 6 - October 27, 2011

I wanna welcome all of our new BADCamp subscribers! What a great event. I'm still recovering from the BADCamp bug, but enough about me let's get on to the links.

News & Announcements

Drupal core announcements: Drupal 7.9 release this week

The Drupal 8 Mobile Initiative

John Albin Wilkins talks about his new role as the Drupal 8 Mobile Initiative lead.

All roads lead to Drupal - Announcing Livelink DrupAtlas

Livelink has created cool map site that shows Drupal adoption on a geographical level. Users can search for Drupal sites by geo location and members of the Drupal community can add their Drupal projects to the map. This is a very cool idea.

Drupal Pros seeks to answer the question, "Do you know a developer in my town?". Think Sortfolio (37Signals) for Drupal. Listing your services is free with no commitment required.

Events & Camps

Drupal Camp Delhi

November 7th in Delhi, India.

Drupal Camp Mumbai

November 9th & 10th in Mumbai, India.

Drupal Camp Deccan

November 11th in Deccan, India.

Drupal Downunder 2012

January 14th & 15th in Melbourne, Australia.

Articles & Tutorials

How The Apple Store Was Cloned in Drupal

Ryan Szrama gives us the "Pinapple Store", a clone of he created for his session at DoItWithDrupal. Check out what can be done with Drupal Commerce before the cease and desist letter comes down.

Express checkout with Drupal Commerce

The Aten Design Group give us a cheatsheet for setting up an express checkout process in Drupal Commerce.

Continuous Integration with Jenkins and Drupal 7

The folks over at Cocomore AG walk us through setting up a Continuous Integration for a Drupal 7 project with Jenkins.

Open Deals - A Deals Site Distribution based on Drupal 7

Open Deals is a brand new Drupal 7 distro from Netstudio for building a deals sites like No download available yet but the demo is cool.

A basic install profile

In Scott Hadfield's latest post of his installation profile series he shows us how to create a simple install profile suitable for a basic brochure type of site.

What Symfonic Drupal means

Larry Garfield explains why the decision to adopt a 3rd party HTTP library called Symfony is very important to Drupal's future in the PHP world.

Mac OS X / nginx / MariaDB / PHP / Aegir (MEMPÆ)

Brian Gilbert of Realityloop gives us a recipe for setting up nginx, MariaDB, PHP, and Aegir on Mac OS X. He even includes a screencast!


Bricks Module

Bricks is a new module by @bangpound that is a replacement for many different blocks related modules. Bricks supports ctools context, content types, and access plugins and allows you to export Drupal blocks (bricks) out of Panels pane displays.

Module Monday: Entity Cache

James Sansbury of Lullabot introduces us to Entity Cache in this week's Module Monday post. Entity Cache aims to make Entities scaleable and performant. If your Drupal 7 site is running a bit slow, this post may be of help to you.

System stream wrapper

Want to help get these stream wrappers into core? Subscribe and/or help #1308152: Add module://, theme:// and profile:// stream wrappers to access system files!


DrupalEasy Podcast 66: 20% Drupaly


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Published by Bob Kepford

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