Issue 627 - April, 4th 2024
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~ Bob Kepford - EditorHeadlines
DrupalCon Portland 2024: The Nonprofit Summit Agenda Is Here!
From Our Sponsor

How Gander Auto Performance Testing Improved Drupal Core Test Runtime by 10%
Gander, the new automated performance testing framework by the Google Chrome Team and Tag1, is now part of Drupal Core and already resolving performance problems. Most recently, Gander helped make the Core Test Suite 10% faster, speeding up the pace of Drupal innovation. Learn more about this success story and how you can use Gander to speed up your own sites.
Admin Pages Now Grant Access if the User Has Access to Any of the Child Pages
Drupal 11 Will Require PHP 8.3
New Option to Show Only the Start/end Date in Datetime Range Formatters
New Permission for Taxonomy Module to View Vocabulary Labels
Starterkit Themes Now Use starterkit.yml File
State Service Now Uses a Cache Collector for Performance
The SDC Experimental Module Is Now Stable and Merged Into Core
Theme Settings Logo Now Allows SVG
user_is_blocked() Is Deprecated
Do's and Don'ts of GitHub Copilot (For Drupal Developers) | Third and Grove
Drupalize.Me: ChatGPT Experiments: "Act as Drush, Shall We Play a Game?"
Go Global, Speak Local: B2B Multilingual Content Strategies
As the saying goes, what's done can be improved. Here are some best practices to efficiently manage your multilingual content.
How to Configure Smart Editorial Control of Migrated Content - Chris Hill
ImageX: Boosting Drupal Website Management Workflows: New Administrative Toolbar Is Coming!
It Depends: A Website Context Primer
Salsa Digital: Dries Baytaert at DrupalSouth 2024
The Drop Times: Drupal Page Builders—Part 3: Other Alternative Solutions
The Drop Times: For Drupal to Remain Well and Alive: An Exclusive Conversation with Tim Doyle
The Drop Times: Inspiring Inclusion: Celebrating the Women in Drupal | #2
Golems GABB: Efficient Token Usage in Drupal: Practical Tips and Examples
Integrating Drupal, Ecommerce and ERP Capabilities for B2B Manufacturers
Introducing Gesso — a headless commerce accelerator that reduces time-to-market for technology and architecture upgrades, unlocking ecommerce, ERP and CMS integrations for B2B Manufacturing. Featuring native integrations with Drupal, Storyblok, BigCommerce, Drupal Commerce, Shopify and Acumatica.
Matt Glaman: Ensuring smart_date Works for All Versions of Drupal 10 and 11
Specbee: How to Write Your First Test Case Using PHPUnit & Kernel in Drupal
Using the LocalGov Drupal Subsites Extras Module | Mark Conroy
Cloud 5.8.0
Cloud 6.1.0
Druplicon 1.0.2
email_username 1.0.1
imagecache_external 3.0.3
jsonapi_links 1.0.3
Ldap 8.x-4.9
module_filter 5.0.0
paragraphs_bundles 1.0.2
Podcast 8.x-1.7
Profile 8.x-1.10
Tacjs 8.x-6.5
DrupalEasy Podcast - a Very Special Episode
Lullabot Podcast: Just Say Drupal‽
Talking Drupal #444 - Design to Development Workflow Optimization
Talking Drupal - Skills Upgrade #4
EvolveDrupal Atlanta (April 12): Explore the Best of Tech, Strategy & UX
Don’t miss this energizing summit at Atlanta Tech Village. Attend insightful talks on technical and non-technical topics including: website deployments with Steve Persch at Pantheon; inclusive design with Mary Blabaum at Acquia; AI opportunities with Misha Sulpovar at Cherre & Wired Cognition; object-oriented UX with Sophia Prater at Rewired; higher education website redesign with Heather Jeffcoat at Georgia Tech Library and Suzanne Dergacheva at Evolving Web. Full-day pass $50; afternoon UX pass $20.
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Full Stack Drupal Engineer
4AllPromos CT/US
Lead Drupal Developer
Third and Grove US
DevOps Full Stack Developer
Spry Digital US