The best Drupal news and links delivered to your inbox every week

Issue 7 - November 3, 2011

Another big week in the Drupal world. I want to thank all of you who helped spread the word about TheWeeklyDrop. We blew past 200 subscribers last week. Now, on to the links.


Drupal 7.9 released

This release includes critical and major bugs, and a few new API features.

Drupal 8 now has an HTML5 DOCTYPE

Notes from Drupal 8 status update talk

Drupal Association Board Election Results for 2011


Drupal Camp Phoenix

November 12th - 13th at ASU in Phoenix, Arizona.

DrupalCamp Austin

November 19th & 20th, 2011 in Austin, Texas.

DrupalCamp Chicago 2011

December 10th, 2011 in Downtown Chicago, Illinois.


A Drupal Hosting Adventure

Cameron Eagans shares his experience setting up a very small VPS to serve a Drupal 7 site with NGinx and SQLlite

Revamped Captions with jQuery, CKEditor and IMCE

Better than WYSIWYG? The BUEditor in Drupal 7: Use and Configuration

The folks over at the Cocomore Drupal blog give us a good tutorial covering setting up the BUEditor.

Five Reasons for Doing Drupal Development on a VM

Matt Butcher makes a very strong case for developing locally with a VM. I have been considering ditching my current local MAMP setup and switching to VM's managed by Vagrant. This is definitely worth a read if you develop & deploy Drupal sites on a regular basis.

Do you build nonprofit Drupal sites? Consider using Open Outreach

Chocolate Lily announces a new Drupal distro for Nonprofits.

Taxonomy Terms in Code

Kevin King of Phase2 Technology shows how easy it is to populate a Taxonomy vocabulary with Terms using an module's install file.

Conduct free (or paid) Drupal trainings using the Build a Mentored Training model

Chris Shattuck of has a really interesting training program that he is offering. If you need Drupal training for a group of people, this might be a really good way to do it.

Good PHP: Coding Standards and Why You Should Follow Them

Matt Butcher makes the case for coding standards. Oh course we all use them already... right?

OpenCalais on Drupal 7

Over at Phase2 Tech, Josh Caldwell talks about what's new in the OpenCalais module for Drupal 7.


How to undo modifications to staged and unstaged files

We are partnering with to give you a great free video every week. This week we will learn how to work with staged and unstaged files in Git.

Installing Acquia Commons on Acquia Dev Desktop

Over at, Mike Anello has a nice little screencast showing us how to get Acquia Commons setup.


Live from Do It With Drupal 2011

The gang from Do It With Drupal 2011 take questions and talk about Drupal.

Finally The Cure for the Common Resume allows you to create an original and compelling visual resume for free. Its a stunning site and guess what, it's a Drupal site.


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Wanna get the word out about your great Drupal job? Get your job in front of hundreds of Drupal job seekers every day at Jobs.Drupal.Org.

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Director of Web Services

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Full Stack Drupal Engineer

4AllPromos CT/USCT/US

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Published by Bob Kepford

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