The best Drupal news and links delivered to your inbox every week

Issue 75 February 28, 2013


Drupal 7.20 Released

7.20 is a security update so there are no new features in this release. Be sure and read the release notes for more info and then update your sites.

Code Freeze and Thresholds

Dries gives us an update on where we are with Drupal 8 calling the next phase “clean-up”. Dries also states the goal for the first release candidate is September 23, the week of DrupalCon Prague.

Hosting Providers Offer Discounts and Support the Drupal Community - Drupal Snippets Repository is Launched!

This week Tim Kamanin launched a new service for storing reusable Drupal snippets. PHP, Javascript, HTML and CSS FTW!


DrupalCon Portland Call for Core Conversations Now Open

Help shape the future of Drupal.

Drupal 8

Drop PUT Support from REST.module

Drupal Code Base Visualized

A nice collection of info-graphics showing the evolution of Drupal’s code base.

Drupal 8 Is Feature Frozen But You Cannot Translate The Site Name Or Node Titles

The Drupal 8 Multilingual Initiative needs your help.


All Your Pants Are In Danger - CSRF Explained

Nice example of a Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) from Klaus Purer and how you could open your site up to these vunerabilities.

Don’t Lose Your Assets In a Redesign (part 2)

Abuse Drupal Best Practices At Your Own Peril: Poor Performance

A high level look at things to aviod doing from the folks at

Minified JavaScript, on the Fly!

Javascript minification is an important frontend performance boost. I’ve previously mentioned the Speedy module which pre-minifies Drupal’s js files for for you. The issue with the Speedy module that Elliott Foster points out is that it needs to be updated with every Drupal release. This is why Elliott Foster has created a web service and an accompanying Drupal module that does the minification for you on the fly.

Drupal Association Membership: What You Give and What You Get


Setting up Memcached on a Mac for Local Drupal Development

A nice tutorial from Mark Shropshire for you Mac Drupalers.

Working With Drush Alias Files In Teams


Theming in Drupal 8 with Twig (Part 2)

In part two of this theming series Steffen Rühlmann shows use side by side examples comparisons between Drupal 7 PHPTemplate and Drupal 8 Twig.

Introducing Writer: A Drupal blogging theme for developers

What You Don’t Know About Drupal Can Make Theming More Expensive

Emma Jane Hogbin advocates for creating Style tiles and getting into Drupal as soon as possible. My experience would lead me to agree with Emma Jane.

Modules and Projects

An Introduction to the Radioactivity Module

Introducing Devit

The Devit module looks like a very useful module for your development workflow. Basically it automates the production back to development workflow. Things like disabling cache, enabling email rerouting and updating your logging settings. Check out Matthew Grasmick’s site for more info.

New in Drupal Rooms

Drupal Rooms is a booking and room management solution for hotels, vacation rentals and B&Bs.


7 Of Our Favorite Presentations From DrupalCon Sydney

OSTraining has a nice list of sessions from DrupalCon Sydney.


Drupalize.Me Podcast 12: Server Automation and Deployment Tools

Puppet, Jenkins and much more.

DrupalEasy Podcast 99: Cage Match

052 TMGMT with Christophe Galli and Sascha Grossenbacher - Modules Unraveled Podcast


Drupal Architect (Charlotte, NC)

A Drupal backend fan is needed for building some new Drupal 7 sites, re-implementing existing Drupal 6 sites in Drupal 7, and integrating existing Drupal 7 sites with manufacturing processes at Classic Graphics. Email David Norman:

Drupal Developer (Atlanta GA region)

A Drupal backend fan is needed in a supporting role for new Drupal site development as well as integrating existing Drupal sites with marketing promotions managed by Classic Graphics. Partial telecommute. Will train. Email David Norman:

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Published by Bob Kepford

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