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Issue 86 May 16th, 2013

DrupalCon Portland is only days away. Are you ready? I'll be there so be sure and say hi. I'll be wearing TheWeeklyDrop t-shirt most of the time so look for the guy in the green. I have TheWeeklyDrop stickers and a few t-shirts left so if you want one just ask.

~ Bob Kepford


Drink Beer. Support A Great Family

Support a Drupal developer(Aaron Winborn) fighting for his life by attending this event in Portland next week. D7 - Improving Issue Pages

The proposed changes to the issue pages look really good. Many UI annoyances are being addressed as well as a major re-write of code behind this functionality.

Drupal Association’s Quick Survey on Webinar Topics

The Drupal Association is requesting your thoughts about topics for their Drupal webinars.

From Our Sponsor

DrupalCon Portland

Get Involved with Core Sprint

The Portland “Get Involved with Core” sprint will be held Friday, May 24, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Similar sprints have been held at DrupalCons Denver, Munich, and Sydney, and many local and regional Drupal events).

atDrupalCon iOS App

If you are headed to DrupalCon Portland check out this free iOS app. I love the personality of this app in addition to it’s utility.

Drupalgängers Portland 2013

In Portland for DrupalCon with kids & want to meetup with other parents? Join the Drupalgängers groupme group.

DrupalCon Stories

DrupalCon Stories is a pilot social media concept created and under development by Amy Cham, in collaboration with the Drupal Association. It is meant to help create a more complete view of DrupalCon and, more specifically, the Drupal community.

Drupal 8

Reducing Risk in the Drupal 8 Release Schedule

Dries Buytaert outlines the approach to getting Drupal 8 released on schedule. The bottom line is that all patches have to work, be performant, well-documented, and well-tested. It’s a great time to get your feet wet with Drupal 8.

Getting the Twig Initiative Done

“Per Dries’s post about Drupal 8 release risk, this post outlines a plan jointly developed by the Drupal core maintainers (Dries, webchick, catch, and alexpott) for getting Twig into core safely.”

How to Prepare Your Website for Drupal 8

MediaCurrent’s Kevin Basarab offers some great advice getting your site ready for Drupal 8. Most of these tips are great even if we weren’t getting close to a Drupal 8 release.


Drupal 7 Field API sample

This example will show you how to create a field that stores data in multiple values in the database.

Track Drupal Page Load Times Easily With The Google Analytics Module

Learn how to find slow pages on your production site using the Google Analytics module a bit of custom code.

Quick Tip: Use Bash Aliases To Easily Run Multiple Versions Of Drush At Once

A Sneaky (Previously Undocumented?) Views’ Feature

Michael Anello shares a technique for replacing the group ID with the group title. It’s worth a read if you spend any time in the Views ui.

Making A Drupal Bookmarklet

Great tip from Mike Crittenden for rolling your own custom bookmarklet to speed content entry on your node forms.

Modules / Projects

Drush Commands

Cool site that lists Drush commands on a easy to skim web page.

Rooms 1.0 Released and Roadmap

A Drupal distribution for hotel booking web sites.

Hubot Drush Me Drupal

ERPAL Project Management

ERPAL is a full Drupal distribution aiming to manage almost any business related processes in service and project based companies.

Commerce Module Tuesday: Commerce Product URLs

Using Mozilla Persona In Drupal 7

The prolific Ivan Zugec shares how to get started with the Mozilla Persona on Drupal 7. Mozilla Persona is a single sign on system that allows you to login into websites with a single registered email address.

Maximum Textfield Length with a Cool Drupal Module - Maxlength

As the name implies Maxlength module limits the amount of characters allowed in a text field. It’s a slick little module that I have used on couple sites. It uses Javascript to show users how many characters they have used and how many they have left.

Entity Rules - Exposing Rules’ Power Without Rules’ Complexity

Ted Bowman’s Entity Rules module gives you as the site builder an easy way to give the site managers the ability to create rules. These entity rules are limited and therefore much more simple. Ted has a nice video demo on the post showing how it all works.


Ready, Set, Go! Spin Up An Omega Layout in 45 Minutes Flat!

Phase2’s Joshua Turton talk presented at the SFDUG Meetup.

Embedding an Entiyform on a Node

One of the most common questions relating to Entityforms is how to embed them on a node. This short video walks you through the steps.

Using Javascript/jQuery in Drupal 7

Checkout this webinar from MediaCurrent’s Jason Smith.


Drupal Camp Scotland 2013 Double-Header - Acquia Podcast

The Project with Kristof Van Tomme - Modules Unraveled Podcast


Design for Drupal, Boston 2013

June 22nd - 23rd, 2013 in Boston.


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Published by Bob Kepford

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