The best Drupal news and links delivered to your inbox every week

Issue 91 June 20th, 2013


DrupalCon Prague Opens the Call for Content

Aegir 2.0-beta1 Released


DrupalCon Prague 2013

September, 23rd - 27th, 2013 in Prague. Earlybird registration opens on June 25th.


August 15th - 18th, 2013 in Lake Balaton, Keszthely, Hungary


The Inline Editing Kerfuffle

Aaron Manire has written a reasoned look at inline editing vs structured content. If this topic interests you it’s a must read.

Manage Fields Wisely

Bryan Braun has some good tips for keeping your entity forms tidy.

Drupal Association Board Meeting: May 22, 2013

Holly Ross shares encouraging details from the DA meeting at the DrupalCon Portland meeting.

Passive Income and Open Source

This post is a shift from the usual Drupal related things Dries Buytaert writes about but it’s worth a look anyway. Dries suggests using passive income sources could allow more of us to devout more time to working on open source projects.

DrupalCon with Vincenzo

“Vincenzo is a blind Italian student that has been contributing to Core for the last year. This was one of the first successful crowdsourcing efforts in the Drupal community.” This is a really cool story.


Drupal, Drush Aliases And How To Use Them

Some nice tips for using Drush on a remote server from Deeson Online’s John Ennew.

Getting Deeper into Drush - Wildcard Support for sql-dump

This tip from Padraig O’Sullivan allows you to skip tables with your drush sql-dump command.

User friendly site backups with the Backup and Migrate suite

CMS Quick Start: User friendly site backups with the Backup and Migrate suite

How to create slideshows with embedded YouTube videos in Drupal 7

Yuriy Gerasimov shows us how to use Views Slideshow, the Media module, and a bit of custom code to embed YouTube videos in a slideshow.

Setting Up Your Developer Environment

Get a basic development environment set up on Windows, Mac, or Linux. From Emma Jane Westby of Drupalize.Me.

Consuming the New Twitter 1.1 API with Feeds and Friends

Ingesting the Facebook stream using Feeds and OAuth 2.0 (updated for Drupal 7)

Easily Add Color Support To A Drupal Theme With DesignKit

Connecting your Drupal site to an LDAP server


Create Drupal 8 Tours with Inline Manual Authoring tools

Use to create tours that you can import into any Drupal 8 site.

Commerce Module Tuesday: Commerce Recurring Framework

This screencast introduces the new and highly anticipated 2.x branch of Commerce Recurring Framework.

Introducing the Honeypot form spam protection module

Honeypot module has greatly reduced spam comments on several of my sites. Paul Booker tells us all about it in his post.

Commerce Module Tuesday: Commerce Product Add-on

Josh Miller shows how easy it is to create add-on products to Drupal Commerce in his video tutorial.

Two Small Modules for Site Maintainers: Safer Permissions and Advanced Syslog


What is Drupal? & What Can Drupal Do?

Another nice video produced by Pantheon from DrupalCon Portland.


Drupal: A Global Army of Nerds - Acquia Podcast

Getting Sassy with Chris Eppstein - Drupalize.Me Podcast

The aGov Distribution with Kim Pepper - Modules Unraveled Podcast

DrupalEasy Podcast 107: E%$#&prise


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Published by Bob Kepford

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