The best Drupal news and links delivered to your inbox every week

Issue 349 - July, 26th 2018


2018 Drupal Association at-Large Election Winner Announced

DrupalCon Europe - a Progress Update...

Moving Promote Drupal Initiative Forward

From Our Sponsor


Dries Buytaert: How Drupal Continues to Evolve Towards an API-First Platform

An important summary of updates on the API-first work for Drupal core.

Drupal Association Blog: The Values & Principles Committee

Our Modern Development Environment at

Moshe Weitzman walks through how is using Docker for their Drupal development. 101: A Drupal 8 + CiviCRM for Beginners

A video tutorial that demonstrates Drupal 8 + CiviCRM and why it's great for your small organization!


Changing a Content Type Name During a Drupal 8 Migration

Getting Drupal 8 Field Values in Twig

Necessity Is the Mother of Mastering Drupal

How is the Drupal Community gaining talent, passion and diversity? Here is one story that started with a search for an eCommerce solution that led to a whole new career.

Ready, Set, Spin Up: How to Get Drupal 8.6 Running Locally in 5 Steps

Removing jQuery from Your Drupal Theme

Writing a Custom Drupal 8 Module Upgrade Path


Introducing Contenta JS

"Most decoupled projects require a Node.js back-end proxy to sit between the various front-end consumers and Drupal. That is why we started working on a Node.js starter kit for your decoupled Drupal projects. We call this Contenta JS."

Progressive Web Apps for All Drupal Sites

"Announcing a new Drupal module that enhances your existing site with drop-in support for Progressive Web App functionality."


Hax 8.x-2.0-Beta1

views_field_formatter 7.x-1.7

Webcomponents 7.x-1.3


Friday 5: 5 Tips and Tricks for Developer Workflow

Take Control of Your Headless CMS with Contenta

In this video from the WeAreDevelopers conference Mateu Aguiló Bosch shows the superior features that the Drupal community has been building for 17+ years, applied to the headless CMS Contenta.


Behind the Screens with Nicolas Grekas

Hacking Culture - Mike Hodnick on Live Coding with TidalCycles


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Published by Bob Kepford

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