Issue 358 - September, 27th 2018
Drupal 8.7 and 8.8 Release Dates Updated
The new date for 8.7.0 is May 1st, 2019 and for 8.8.0 it is December 4th, 2019. According to the Drupal core team these dates are better in line with Symfony release dates compared to years past. Digital Advertising Update
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Upgrading from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8: The Developer Perspective
Thinking of upgrading your website to Drupal 8? Are you a developer and not sure where to start? Let the lessons we learned during our site redesign be your guide. Watch the on-demand webinar today.
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Autosave and Concurrent Editing in Drupal 8
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Workbench Tabs in Drupal 8
Coder 8.x-3.1
config_override_warn 8.x-1.1
Graphql 8.x-3.0-Rc2
graphql_twig 8.x-1.0-Beta5
graphql_views 8.x-1.0-Beta1
Jsonapi 8.x-2.0-Beta2
Memcache 8.x-2.0-Rc1
time_field 8.x-1.8
Token 8.x-1.5
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Talking Drupal #176 - Learning
TEN7 - Episode 039: Drew Gorton
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