Issue 454 - September, 10th 2020
Developer Tools Initiative - Part 7: Update on the Merge Request Beta
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Do You Need a Functional Test for That?
Preparing Your Drupal 7 Site for an Eventual Migration
Add CSS & Javascript to Your Drupal Site
My PHPUnit Configuration for My Drupal Projects
Upgrading the Dransible Project to Drupal 9
config_split 8.x-1.5
Drupal 8.8.9
Drupal 8.9.5
entityreference_filter 8.x-1.2
expire_reset_pass_link 8.x-1.3
jsonapi_extras 8.x-3.16
module_builder 8.x-3.12
search_api_autocomplete 8.x-1.4
Drupal as a Digital Asset Management System / DrupalCon Global 2020 On the JAMStack with Gatsby and Drupal 8 / DrupalCon Global 2020
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