The best Drupal news and links delivered to your inbox every week

Issue 531 - April, 14th 2022


Added UI for 'loading' Html Attribute to Images

Build Your Drupal Expertise at DrupalCon with Hands-on Training

Event Organizers: Drupal Event Organizer Sessions at DrupalCon Portland

Google Summer of Code 2022 Is Open! Eligibility Expanded!

From Our Sponsor


Jacob Rockowitz: The Future of Our Drupal CMS and APIs, UI, and UX

Matt Glaman: Avoid Using `loadByProperties` to Load Entities

Specbee: Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Migrate from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 (Even with the EOL Extension)

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For over ten years TheWeeklyDrop has been a community fixture sending news and resources to the community every week. If you would like to get your message in front of the Drupal community TheWeeklyDrop is the right medium for you.

When the Drupal 9 Upgrade Is Hard | Chapter Three

Wim Leers: Drupal Dev Days Ghent 2022: Sprints FTW!


#! Code: Drupal 9: Deleting and Ignoring Drupal Composer Directories from Git

Web Wash: Select Taxonomy Terms Using Autocomplete Deluxe Module in Drupal


Colorbox 8.x-1.9

Commerce 8.x-2.30

config_filter 8.x-2.3

config_split 8.x-1.8

config_view 9.0.1

Exif 8.x-1.3

Exif 8.x-2.3

Filehash 2.0.5

Geofield 8.x-1.39

Iframe 8.x-2.16

inline_formatter_field 8.x-2.2

media_bulk_upload 3.0.0


Php[architect]: Testing the Core

Talking Drupal: Talking Drupal #342 - Acquia Code Studio


Drupal Mountain Camp - Open Source on Top of the World

This years Drupal Mountain Camp is taking place from June 23rd - 26th. Enjoy alpine fun, awesome people and an unique location and secure your ticket now! There are still a few early bird tickets available, grab them before they are sold out!


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Published by Bob Kepford

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