Issue 635 - May, 30th 2024
If you enjoy this newsletter I'd appreciate it if you shared it with your friends and colleagues that use Drupal.
~ Bob Kepford - EditorHeadlines
Drupal Association Blog: DrupalCon Portland 2024 - Recapping Drupal’s Most Significant North American Event!
Drupal Core News: Coding Standards Proposals for Final Discussion on 5 June 2024
From Our Sponsor

D7 to D10 Data Migration Tutorials: A Step-by-Step Hands-On Guide for All
Understanding how entities change between Drupal versions helps your team structure your D10 site properly and handle data migrations with confidence. In Part 7 of our comprehensive data migration guide, Tag1 expert Mauricio Dinarte covers an essential overview of configuration and content entities. Follow along each week to gain the insights you need for successful migrations.
Claro Page-Specific Header Moved to Main Landmark
Articles Blog: Drupal Starshot - What Is It & What Does It Mean for Drupal?
DrupalEasy: Ruminations on Drupal Starshot
ImageX: The Benefits of a Composable CMS (And How Drupal Fits the Bill)
Lullabot: Drupal Release Planning in the Enterprise
OPTASY | Seamless Drupal 7 to 10 Migration Webinar
Join our on-demand webinar to navigate the transition from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10 with ease. Learn about the new features and improvements through expert explanations and a clear, step-by-step guide to upgrading your site efficiently.
Promet Source: The Ultimate Guide to Drupal Migration for Higher Education
Specbee: How CKEditor 5 Is Transforming Content Authoring Experience in Drupal 10
Tag1 Consulting: Migrating Your Data from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10: Known Issues
The Drop Times: DrupalCon Asia 2024: New Dates Revealed for Singapore Event
The Drop Times: DrupalCon Barcelona 2024 for Inclusion: Apply for Grants and Scholarships
The Drop Times: Highlights from the First Ever Drupal Iberia Event
Wim Leers: XB Week 1: 0.x Branch Opened!
"Acquia is sponsoring me full-time to operate as the tech lead for Experience Builder"
ADCI Solutions: Field Mapping When Integrating Drupal with Salesforce
Bye Bye Boomer Bucks? Hello Gen Z Revolution!
40% of Gen Z prioritizes working Wi-Fi over working bathrooms! As true "digital natives," they have never experienced a world without ubiquitous connectivity and digital technology, and a majority of them prefer digital-only interactions. To stay ahead in a tech-driven market, it's crucial to adapt your business strategies to meet their expectations. Read More.
How to Fix Drupal Issues with Git Patches | Git Apply Patch' Command
ImageX: Countless Benefits of Interactive Calculators and One Drupal Module to Easily Add Them to Forms
ThinkDrop Consulting: A New Way to Multisite: Migrating Aegir to GitHub for WSU Vancouver
admin_toolbar_content 2.0.8
commerce_shipping 8.x-2.9
Lando v3.21.0
mail_redirect 4.2.1
Nodeorder 3.0.1
Spammaster 8.x-2.45
Talking Drupal #452 - Starshot & Experience Builder
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