Issue 31 April 19, 2012
Another big week with new maintainers announced for, a gaggle of podcasts(including a couple featuring myself), and free hosting for Drupal projects from Pantheon. Oh yeah, and we're giving away a 6 month membership to!
Headlines Giveaway
How does a 6-month membership with sound? Pretty awesome right. That's a $156 value. All you have to do is subscribe to before May 1st and you will be entered to win. If you are already a subscriber you are already entered. The winner will be announced in the newsletter on May 3rd.
New Maintainers and Plans for Drupal 7
Good to see progress on the front.
Pantheon for Camps, Projects, Trainings
How does free hosting sound? If you are hosting a Drupal community project or initiative web site check this out.
Learn Drupal is a site that was developed out of the Boston Initiative to help Drupal user groups develop and share and develop materials for learn sprints and issue sprints. Looks like there is some good work being done there.
OpenAid: A Drupal Distribution for NGOs and Non-Profits
Aegir Office hours
Drupal Association RFPs
The DA is looking to build a Drupal Television site to host the video's produced by the community at our DrupalCons.
DrupalCamp LA 2012
July 28th & 29th at UC Irvin in Irvine, California.
DrupalCamp Twin Cities
May 18th & 19th in Minneapolis.
DrupalCon Munich Featured Sessions
The lineup for DrupalCon Munich is pretty awesome. Take a gander.
Additional Sponsorship opportunities for DrupalCon Munich
DrupalCon PDX 2013 Kick Off!
A little DrupalCon Portland teaser video from Neal Kent the Events Manager for the Drupal Association.
Help Out Usability Testing The Content Creation Page
A lot of people complain about Drupal's useabilty. Here is your chance to help make it better. The proposed changes look like we are headed in the right direction.
WSCCI Update and Call for Help
Larry Garfield gives us an update on the WSCCI iniative and a specific patch called the kernel patch. If you wanna lend a hand check it out.
Let's Do Something About Drupal's Theme System
To say there are issues with Drupal's theme system is an understatement. Drupal 8 HTML5 Initiative leader Jacine Luisi points out some of these issues while sharing some the work she is spearheading to make the theme layer better in Drupal 8.
Articles & Tutorials
Ten Reasons You Should Be Using a CSS Preprocessor
You've probably heard of SASS and LESS. CSS preprocessors aren't just hot, they actually make sense and will save you time.
Using Drush to Mass Delete Comments
Super handy Drush tip from James Walker. Not using Drush? What are you waiting for?
Why It Is Hard To Minify On The Fly
5 Tips for Drupal Newbies
Not sure how many of you are new to Drupal but this post by Adam Waid has some good advice for getting started with Drupal.
Accessing OSUOSL Supercell to Manage Testbots
But I Just Want One Field! Using field_attach_load()
Getting The Price Of A Product As A Nicely Formatted String (Programatically)
Nice Drupal Commerce tutorial from Deeson Online.
Organic Groups: Social Networking for Drupal
Steve Burge of delivers a tutorial on setting up Organic groups for Drupal 7.
Quick and Simple Interdiffs with Git
The Future of Drupal Governance: Resources and Next Steps
Navigating Your Way in Drupal Core Development
I'm a sucker for info-graphics and Gábor Hojtsy has a nice one about contributing to Drupal core.
Responsive Design Tips from DrupalCon
Responsive Web Design State of the Art at DrupalCon Denver 2012
Victor Kane shares more of his exhaustive notes from DrupalCon.
Module Monday: Multiple Selects
Jeff Eaton introduces another good improvement on the multi-select form element.
If you are using the LiveReload app to auto refresh your pages while doing CSS and JS work you should check out this module by Tim Plunkett
Make Devel Less Obtrusive with Devel Catcher
If you are theming or coding with Drupal you should be using the Devel module. It's a great module but as Evan Barter explains, Devel Catcher improves the UI. Think of how handy the Admin Menu module was in Drupal 6. Haven't tried this yet but it looks great.
Using Drupal, 2nd Edition
I've recommended this book to so many people and now it's been updated for Drupal 7.
Modules Unraveled: 016 Johan Falk and the Skill Compass module
Brian chats with our favorite Swedish screencaster Johan Falk about the Skill Compass project.
Drupal Voices 220: Larry Garfield and the Symfony Integration in Drupal 8
Drupal Voices 221: Bob Kepford - The Weekly Drop
This is a quicky. I think this is the only time I have ever spoke to anyone for under two minutes.
DrupalEasy at DrupalCon Denver: Drupal Times Three
Spoiler, this episode features Earl Miles and Dave Reid.
Lullabot Podcast 102: DrupalCon Denver Wrapup
DrupalEasy at DrupalCon Denver: Florida Drupal Empire
More interviews from DrupalCon Denver including interviews with Matt Butcher, Willem from Evolving Web and yours truly.
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Senior Product Manager
CivicActions US
Documentation Lead
Drupal Association Anywhere
Full Stack Drupal Engineer
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