The best Drupal news and links delivered to your inbox every week

Issue 66 December 20, 2012

I’m writing this issue from Kentucky while on Christmas vacation with family but there will be no issue next week. I’ll be back in two weeks to kick off 2013 with another issue jam packed with Drupal goodness.


Support for Aaron Winborn, Update

Aaron Winborn is a Drupal contributor that was diagnosed with ALS. If you can give please do so.

Drupal Global Training Day 14 December 2012

KatteKrab has a nice list of photos from Drupal Global Training Day events all over the world.


DrupalCon Scholarships

Wanna go to DrupalCon but don’t have the funds. Checkout the scholarship opportunities and see if you qualify.

Drupal 8

D8 Timelines Updated!

Checkout this spreadsheet linked on g.d.o for a the current status of Drupal 8.

Getting JSON from Drupal 8 in 5 Easy Steps

A short video from J. Renée Beach demonstrating getting JSON from Drupal 8.

REST Module Status Report

“The implementation is well under way with basic operations working including routing, serialization and simpletests. There is still quite some work ahead of us to make the module more useful in real world scenarios.”

Feedback Needed On Configuration Metadata Formats

Drupal 8 progress from my / MongoDB perspective: Update #10


Drupalcamp Westport 2013

January 18th & 19th, 2013 in Westport, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Drupal Camp Colombia

January 25th & 26th, 2013 in Cartagena de Indias.

Western Mass Drupal Camp

January 19th, 2013 at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in Amherst, Massachusetts.

DrupalCamp NJ 2013

Feburary 1st - 3rd at Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey.


Semantic Content Enhancements With Drupal, Apache Stanbol And VIE.js

Toward HyperDrupal

Drupal Multilingual for Dummies by a Dummy

Admin Menu Module: Popular Yet Occasionally Problematic

The Danger Of Privates, And Composition Vs. Inheritance


Creating Custom Panels Panes (and use substitution too!)

“This quick tutorial will show you how to create you own custom panel, the form for settings, and finally how to use the substitution variables from the entity being rendered within your settings.”

Skipping A Commerce Checkout Page In The Checkout Workflow

Display A Count of Search Results in Drupal 7

Getting Most Commented Articles Using Disqus to use as a Most Popular Widget


Drupal Commerce Video Library

If you need to get up to speed on Drupal Commerce I highly recommend you check these videos. All free by the way.

Drupal 7 Views Slideshow

Image Resize Filter Module

While the video is demonstrating this module in Drupal 6, there is also a Drupal 7 version. I have not used the module in Drupal 7 but it works great in Drupal 6 installs.


Module release: Badbot; Eliminating Spam Once And For All

An interesting approach the war on spam comments from Yuriy Babenko. Most definitely worth a look.

Module Monday: Taxonomy Orphanage

5 Modules To Help With Your Drupal Nodes


Drupalsnack - Off Drupalfolk for Drupalfolk in Swedish

Fredrik Jonsson and Christopher Wiklund have launched a new Drupal podcast. If you speak Swedish and have been looking for a Drupal podcast you are in luck!

Acquia Podcast - Meet Michael Hofmockel: Getting Up To Speed With Drupal

Drupalize.Me Podcast 8: DrupalEasy Career Starter Program

ToadCast 012 - Git, Drupal, WYSIWYG, and Metal Toad University

Sydney 2013 - Site Building Track - Jen Lampton - Modules Unraveled Podcast


A Programmer’s Guide to Drupal

Books about Drupal -

Looking for Books about Drupal? Head over to I heard about this in the Drupal Association Newsletter, and while you are thinking of the Association have you renewed your membership? Do it!


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Published by Bob Kepford

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