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Issue 77 March 14, 2013


Drupal 7.21 Released

This is a maintenance release to fix incompatibilities caused by the the 7.20 security release. You can and should read the release notes for more information.

Upgrading to Drupal 7.20 and Fixing Broken Image Paths

The good people over at Funny Monkey have shared their script for fixing image paths inserted into text areas that were broken by the Drupal 7.20 security release.

9 Days Left to Nominate your Site for the BlueDrop Awards!


The Wait is Over! DrupalCon Portland Opens Trainings, CXO, and Prepaid Ticket Registration

DrupalCon Portland Session Submissions Break Records, Track Chairs

Drupal 8

Drupal 8 Requires PHP 5.3.10 Starting March 15

CMI at Feature Freeze

Greg Dunlap gives us an update on the Configuration Management Initiative.

Blocks & Layouts (SCOTCH) Post-Feature Freeze Overview

Tour Module Part 1: The Journey of Adding a Drupal Feature

The Tour module powered by the jQuery Joyride plugin provides guided click thorough tours of your site, module or whatever. It’s in Drupal 8! Check out the screencast to see the awesomeness in action.


Frontend United United Kingdom

April 13th - 14th 2013 in London, United Kingdom.

Frontend United, formerly known as Drupal Design Camp, is a yearly
European conference that moves from country to country, previously
hosted in Prague, Berlin and Amsterdam.


15 Cool Things Drupal Can Do

Media Current’s Dawn Borglund shares a few cool things that can be accomplished with Drupal. Old hat for you Drupal old timers but worth a look if you are just kicking the tires.

Drupal Comments: A Look at the Options

Still running Drupal 6? Start planning your upgrade now!

“Once Drupal 8.0 comes out, community support for Drupal 6 disappears. That is not the time to start thinking about upgrading. The time to start thinking about it, budgeting for it, planning it is now!”

Drupal 8: Re-architecting for World Domination - Computerworld

Drupal’s creator, Dries Buytaert, on Drupal 8 and the open source project’s future in the enterprise.

Drupal Website Issue Queues

If you want to improve your chances of getting help with that bug you found in that contributed Drupal module you are using take a few minutes and read Damien McKenna’s great post on the Mediacurrent Blog.

Minimalist Drupal Development

When Boost Slows Down Your Drupal Site …

How Working at Home Works (For Us)

Some really good advice for remote workers from Lullabot’s Esther Lee.


Centralizing Logs with Lumberjack, Logstash, and Elasticsearch

A nice tutorial for setting up a centralized logging system for you sysadmins and devops folk.

Jenkins + Drush + Dropbox = Easily Share Sanitized Database Projects

Interesting post from Greg Knaddison on automating and sanitizing your production database for safe development.

Getting CodeKit and Zen Grids to Play Nicely*

Gonna let is slide that Kyle Hofmeyer does not like the commandline. Seriously though, a nice post from the Bot.

Declare Your Own Image Styles with a Drupal Hook

Requiring Registration to Download Files in Drupal


Using Multiselect Module in Drupal 7

Module Monday: Range

Set “minimum” and “maximum” numbers on text fields.

Tour Module Part 2: Creating a Tour for Your Module

Introduction to Entityforms Part 1

I really nice alternative to the Webform module that unlike Webform uses Drupal’s Field API.

Drupal 7 Block Class Module


054 The Simplenews and Newsletter Modules with Sascha Grossenbacher and Paris Liakos - Modules Unraveled Podcast

Robert Douglass Talks Content, Community, and Commerce with Drupal - Acquia Podcast

Drupalize.Me Podcast 13: Holly Ross, Chickens, and the Drupal Association


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Published by Bob Kepford

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