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Session: Asset Management In Drupal 8
Day - Time Slot: Tuesday, May 21 - 10:15am–11:15am
Presenter: Sam Boyer
Twitter: sdboyer sdboyer
Slides: Slides
- Sam is not a frontend dev
Asset Management
- What are assets in the context of this talk? Stylesheets, and JS. Not images.
- How do you declare them. Can you write in Coffeescript, LESS or SASS easily in Drupal. Not a fun process
- How does the browser get them and how fast? Frontend performance
How to declare assets Now
- Theme
- Libraries
- drupal_add_css() & drupal_add_js()
- These are going away
- Meta-properties like “scope” and “group” and “browser”
What Sucks about the Status Quo
- Each asset has a explicit weight
- Global functions are death to caching.
- Support for SASS and other preprocessors is awkward at best
Assetic PHP Library
- Assetic is a PHP library for asset management
- Ships with Symfony
- Assets are files, glob, strings and http
- local
- remote
- string
- glob (pass * and it will combine all of the files in a directory into one asset)
- Filters for CoffeeScript, Compass/SASS CSS minification etc.
- Filters are not PHP.
- Should work with Drupal 8 without installing extra software on your server. Binaries may be shipped with Core and should provide the functionality.
Assetic in Drupal
- Drupal assets
- Asset bags. Have a lot of assets to declare? Drop them into a bag. Bags are a way to pass around assets through the Drupal system
- Dependancies work much better than weights. If a js file depends on jQuery it will not be loaded before jQuery. This works similarly to Require.js.
Options for Drupal 8
- Option 1: #attached
- Option 2: Attached + Assetic
- Option 3: SCOTCH
- Question: Why not just compile with native tools in development(why use the Assetic filters)? Then in prod just use a build script to deploy to production.
- One Answer: Having the compiling(filters) tools baked in helps non-hardcore Drupal developers. One less thing learn. Also, you do not have to use filters