Issue 103 September 12th, 2013
Backdrop Is A Fork Of Drupal
This project from long time Drupal core contributor Nathan Haug popped up on Twitter this week. From the README “Backdrop is a fork of Drupal. It is an experiment in preserving the legacy audience of developers who value ease of use and ease of learning over architectural flexibility.” This is very interesting to put it lightly.
It’s Time To Meet The Candidates!
Here’s your chance to meet the Drupal Association board candidates and learn a bit more about them. D7 Upgrade: Community QA
Take a look at the new QA site.
From Our Sponsor

You Heard it First: Acquia Cloud Free Now Available.
We’ve made our kickass Drupal development platform available for free. This isn’t your average sandbox. Acquia Cloud Free brings together all the “must haves” (like separate dev and stage environments) and “nice-to-haves” (like code testing tools and more). Sign up now to test before you invest!
Making of a DrupalCon: How Sites Are Selected
Jacqueline Torres explains the process that the Drupal Association uses when picking DrupalCon locations.
Building Views Query Plugins, Part 2
Greg Dunlap continues his post on writing a Views query plugin.
Drupal 8
Why the Big Architectural Changes in Drupal 8
Dries addresses the reasoning behind the major shift to OOP in Drupal. It's worth reading whether you have been following Drupal 8's development or you are a causual observor.
Drupal 8 Won’t Kill Your Kittens
Lee Rowlands shares his slides and audio from his talk at a recent Drupal Melbourne meetup.
Drupal 8: Creating a Blog in Drupal 8 & Configuration API
Yeah, I did a webinar. In this video, the latest in the Mediacurrent series covering Drupal 8 I walk through building content types and Views in Drupal 8. The new Configuration Management System is also covered.
Fnding API Changes Through Drupal’s Change Records
Liran Tal points to the great resources that are Drupal’s change records.
Why Are We Using Annotations In Drupal 8? And, Why YAML?
Chx(Károly Négyesii) expands on Dries post about D8’s Architectural changes.
On Contributing to Drupal 8
Damien McKenna provides a sane voice in the face of a lot of panic surrounding Drupal contributors.
A Video Introduction to Drupal 8
In this video Steve Burge explains Drupal 8 from a end user’s perspective. This was filmed at the the Atlanta Drupal User’s Group.
A Faster Process For Drupal 8 Routing Conversions
Improve your Apache Solr “More Like This” blocks
Top 10 Drupal Modules for Publishers
A collection of great modules from Mediacurrent’s Kevin Basarab.
Module Monday: Semantic Fields
Carwin Young introduces us to Semantic Fields, a module that helps clean up Drupal’s field markup.
Node Authorship With A Select List In Drupal 7
Workflow, Uh, What Is It Good For… -
DrupalEasy Podcast 113: No More Teasing - DrupalEasy
Kevin Miller - Accessibility Testing, Tools, and QUAIL - Acquia
Omega 4.x with Sebastian Siemssen and Matt Smith - Modules Unraveled
DrupalCon Prague
September 23rd - 27th in Prague, Czech Republic.
Drupalcamp Atlanta
October 19th, 2013 in Atlanta. I’m really looking forward to this one. Be sure and register before it fills up.
Senior Drupal Developer
Interested in working with an awesome group of people who have a ton of experience, knowledge, and passion? Phase2 is looking for an experienced Drupal Developer with experience in developing innovative web applications and custom web applications.
Drupal Developer for Video Game Company
We have a contract position available at High Voltage Software, located in Hoffman Estates, Illinois. Some of the tasks include Implement Hmac, Maintain User Groups etc. To join our company please send your information to
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