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Issue 113 November 21, 2013


Drupal 8.0-alpha5

Yep. We will be seeing new alpha releases every month going forward.

Proposal To Manage The Drupal 8 Release Cycle

Please check this out for yourself but I can give you the basic gist. New minor versions will be released every 6 months. Only the latest minor release of any given major version will be supported. And finally, a single LTS release per major version.

Reddit AMA: Angie “webchick” Byron

Drupal core committer, cat herder of 30,000+ developers, and adoptive mom does a Reddit AMA.


Drupal 7 Performance Optimization Options and Checklist

A really nice performance checklist from Colan Schwartz.

5 Steps to Build a Great Drupal Team: Step 1. Teams, Roles and Skills

Great advice for those out there trying to build a solid team.

PCI Compliance: The Risks Of Doing E-commerce

Closures With array_walk To Avoid foreach &

Chx shares why he likes closures.

Git Workflow 2: Features Boogaloo

Some pretty solid advice on Features from Beth Binkovitz on

Drupal 8

How to Create an Administration Form in Drupal 8

I love Ivan Zugec’s tutorials and in this one he shows how easy it is the create a Admin form in Drupal 8.


Responsive iFrames — Yes It Is Possible

I don’t buy it. Just kidding.

Speeding Up Auto-completes

Greg Holsclaw offers an interesting approach to making your auto-completion speedy.

Digging In To Apache’s Rewrite Module And Drupal

Chris Johnson shares how to avoid odd issues with Drupal and Apache Rewrite in this Phase2 blog post.

Programmatically Hiding A Fieldgroup On A Node Display in Drupal 7

Field groups can be fun to work with but Tim Kamanin has an interesting approach to hiding them.

Create Commerce Product Programmatically - Drupal Snippets


Drupal Integration Module for Google App Engine

Jimmy Berry helps us get Drupal on Google App Engine. He even includes a drush make file!

Cool Drupal Modules - Table Field

This is a sweet little module that is a better option than tables in your WYSIWYG.

Introducing Views Share

This new module allows you to create a view that can be shared or embeded on another site. All of this using Views.


Selling Organic Groups using Drupal Commerce in Ten Minutes

Josh Miller demonstrates how you can use Rules to sell Organic Groups in Drupal Commerce in just 10 minutes


Meet Top Shelf Modules - Part 2: Sustainability & Dries Day! - Acquia Podcast

Global Sprint Weekend 2014 with Cathy Theys - Modules Unraveled Podcast


Drupal 7 Code Sprint December 7th, 2013

With all of the focus on Drupal 8 many Drupal 7 core and contrib modules needs a little TLC.

Finally Testing Metrics & Report

Jeremy Thorson shares graphs and reports on the automated testing infrastructure of


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Published by Bob Kepford

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