Issue 119 - January, 2nd 2014
Here's to a productive 2014.
Drupal 7 Core Release on Wednesday, January 1 (Or Thursday, January 2)
Global Sprint Weekend January 25 and 26 2014
"Global Sprint Weekend is a worldwide event you can participate in. Small local sprints in lots of locations, over the same time period: Saturday and Sunday January 25 and 26, 2014. These sprints will usually be 2-15 people in one location, together, working to make Drupal better."
Top Modules Seeking Co-Maintainers
Helping developers find modules to maintain. What a great idea for a site.
Omega vs. Zen - Which Base Theme Should You Choose?
A nice comparison between the Zen and Omega themes from Friendly Machine.
The Darker Side of Drupal; Field Collections and Revisioning/moderation
I appreciate when an article writer includes the problem and solution. Thank you Paul Rowell.
Drupal 8
Dive Into Drupal 8 with the Help of Core Contribution Mentors
Drupal 8 Just Surpassed 60,000 Automated Test Assertions!
Custom User Name from Profile
A nice tip on how to use hook_username_alter().
Download Different Versions of Drupal with Drush
A handy Drush tip from Oliver Davies.
Drupal to Drupal - Content Migration
A nice tutorial to get your feet wet with the Migrate module.
How to Test Standard Search in Drupal
Don't take Drupal search for granted. Make sure your quality assurance process is done right. Propeople's Cristina Eftimitsa will show you how.
Remote Command-Line Debugging with Phpstorm for Php/drupal (Including Drush)
More handy PHPStorm tips from Randy Fay.
3 Little Known Drupal Modules That Are Really Great
I have mentioned some of these before but this post from Appnovation Technologies is worth a look.
Introducing Pinger and
A new uptime checker written in PHP and Drupal.
Weldir, a Wunderkraut Flavoured Theme for Ægir
A nice theme for you Ægir users from Wunderkraut.
Zariz in Pics
Zariz, the content staging module suite for Drupal is very interesting. Check out this tour of the UI.
Navbar 7.x-1.1
Code-Per-Node with Damien Mckenna
Mediacurrent's Damien McKenna walks us through the right way to break the rules with Code-per-Node.
2013 Greatest Hits – Gaelan Steele Meets Dries - Acquia Podcast
Migrate in Core with Moshe, Melissa, Mike and Chx - Modules Unraveled Podcast
List Your Job on Drupal Jobs
Wanna get the word out about your great Drupal job? Get your job in front of hundreds of Drupal job seekers every day at Jobs.Drupal.Org.
Featured Jobs
Director of Web Services
Howard University Washington/DC/US
Full Stack Drupal Engineer
4AllPromos CT/US
Lead Drupal Developer
Third and Grove US