The best Drupal news and links delivered to your inbox every week

Issue 130 - March, 20th 2014


Drupal Was Accepted Into Google's Summer of Code 2014

"Student applications started March 10th and are open until March 21st. It's not too late to become a student, mentor, or submit a project idea. Not available to join the GSoC fun...maybe you can send an email to your alumni university mailing list?"

Addressing the Growing Demand for Drupal Talent

A good conversation is happening in the comments of this Drupal Association post.


"The Content Working Group is one of three working groups chartered by the Drupal Association that serve as the collective product owner for DCWG is responsible for managing the content strategy for, including the overall look-and-feel and voice of the website. The group does not have jurisdiction over the issue queues or project documentation."

Draft Charter for Security Working Group Posted

Have You Heard About Drupal’s Community Working Group?

"The Community Working Group's job is to "Guarantee a friendly and welcoming community for the Drupal project by upholding the Drupal Code of Conduct."

Drupal Association Board Meeting: March 13, 2014

From Our Sponsor


Plan Your Austin Sprint Trip

If you haven't had the pleasure of being a part of a code sprint you should give it a go. There are plenty of sprints to get in on at DrupalCon Austin.

Why You Should Send Your Employees to Drupalcon


Git Flow - Repository Operations Model

I have mentioned Git flow before and use it and promote it but if you are not familiar with it check out this post from the InternetDevels official blog.

Successfully Theming

Tobias Williams shares a list of tools and how the themers at Mediacurrent use them to work together.

Drupal 8

Drupal 8 Now: PSR-0 Code in Drupal 7

I really like what Lee Rowlands is proposing here.

New Drupal 8 API Reference Site

There's a lot of great stuff on this site.

This Week-Ish in Drupal Core: March 12, 2014

HIghlights include the automatic testing of RTBC core patches every 24 hours, and the upgrade of the 8.x testbots to PHP 5.4. This means Drupal 8 now requires PHP 5.4 and above.


Creating a Static Copy of a Website

If you have an old Drupal site that no longer needs user account access it's probably a good idea to convert it to a static site. Check out this post from the Stanford Web Services Blog.

Ctools Access Plugin Creation for Panels

Learn to write a Ctools access plugin.

Deleting a Drupal Field Saved in Features

A nice step by step guide to deleting a field used in a feature module. I would recommend deleting the field in a hook_update_N() in your module.install file as opposed to using Drush as the article recommends. But this is still worth a read.

Protip: $Query->Fetchall() Is Optional

A nice tip for your db_query() and db_select() queries from Mark Pavlitski of Microserve.

Replacing Menu Item Visibility Module with Custom "in Code" Solution

A nice tip and performance heads up from TimOnWeb.


Announcing the Membership Entity Contributed Module for Drupal

"The Membership Entity module has been designed from the ground up to be a dedicated, versatile, and extensible solution to the demand for a Drupal-based membership website."

Fastclick Drupal Module Removes 300ms Tap Delay

Four Kitchens's Chris Ruppel introduces us to the new mobile performance boosting module FastClick.

Is Drupal Entityforms a Good Alternative to Webform?

A nice intro to Entityform module from OSTraining.

Pace Yourselves

A new module that provides a page load progress bar simular to the one on YouTube.

What's Your Favorite Lesser Known Module? Reddit: Drupal

The Drupal page on Reddit is a great place to discuss Drupal and there were some good modules mentioned in the "Drupal question of the week" thread this week.


Drupalcamp Florida 2014: What to Expect in Drupal 8 - [32:34]

Kevin Basarab from Mediacurrent.

Talking Performance at Drupalcamp Ottawa

No video for this talk but the slides have some good info from Colan Schwartz's session at DrupalCamp Ottawa.

Web Stacks: Optimising for Efficient Local Development - [40:40]

A talk by Realityloop's Brian Gilbert at the Drupal Melbourne Meetup.

X Marks the Spot - a Beginner's Guide to Maps in Drupal - [39:18]

Mike Anello from DrupalEasy


Commerce_Kickstart 7.x-2.13

Fivestar 7.x-2.1

Flag 7.x-3.4

Mobile_Navigation 7.x-1.2

Nodeblock 7.x-1.6

OG 7.x-2.6

State_Machine 7.x-2.5

Transliteration 7.x-3.2

Workflow 7.x-2.2

XMLsitemap 7.x-2.0


Drupaleasy Podcast 125: History of the (Drupal) World, Part 1 Podcast 37 : Bunny Ears Are Fuzzy

How Drupal and Symfony Mutually Benefit from Cooperating - Acquia Podcast

The Core Mentoring Experience with Marc Drummond - Modules Unraveled Podcast


Drupal Camp Stanford

April 6th - 7th at Stanford in Stanford, California.

Drupalcamp St. Louis 2014

April 26th, 2014, DrupalCamp St. Louis, Missouri.

Drupalcamp Wroclaw

May 16th - 18th, 2014 Wroclaw, Poland.

Drupal Camp Alpe-Adria Portoroz 2014

May 17th - 18th, 2014 in Portoroz, Slovenia.


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Published by Bob Kepford

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