The best Drupal news and links delivered to your inbox every week

Issue 142 - June, 12th 2014


Drupalcon Los Angeles Spring 2015

Look out for dates and more details in future issues. Likely to be announced in September at DrupalCon Amsterdam.

Announcing Drupalcon Amsterdam Keynote Speaker Cory Doctorow

Great speaker choice for DrupalCon Amsterdam 2014 if I do say so myself.

#d8Rules - Rules Module for Drupal 8 Reaches Funding Goal

It is very cool to see community effort being funded by the community.

2013 Audited Financials for the Drupal Association

From Our Sponsor


4 Tools You Should Definitely Use for Drupal Development

A good list of resources for devs from Web Omelette.

Javascript Why To

Yeah, we always talk about Drupal and PHP but every Drupal developer or Themer will need to write Javascript from time to time. Mediacurrent's Peter Mallett discusses his experience moving from hate for the language to appreciation. Peter also includes some great resources.

Drupal 8

Drupal 8: Should You Upgrade? Yes! Maybe?

A great post for Drupal 6 and 7 site owners wondering about Drupal 8.

Post, Patch and Delete Request with Drupal 8 Rest Services

Shows you how to use Web services in Drupal 8


Drupal, Responsive Commerce Checkout Tables

Learn how to use stacktable.js with your views.

Os X 10.9 Local Development Environment: Apache, PHP, and MySQL with Homebrew

Use Drush to Sync Your Drupal Installations Between Multiple Environments

Seriously. If you are not using Drush to sync your databases read this post and start doing it. You're welcome.



Love this browser plugin. If you maintain Drupal modules or contribute patches you need to install this.

Inline Manual 1.1 Release - Rules Support - Onboard New Users Like a Pro

Marek Sotak describes how to create a rule that starts up an inline manual the first time a user logs in.


Backup Migrate 7.x-3.0

Boilerplate 7.x-1.10

Breakpoints 7.x-1.2

Cas 7.x-1.4

Inlinemanual 7.x-1.1

Mailhandler 7.x-2.10

Openpublic 7.x-1.0-Beta22

Picture 7.x-2.2


30 Drupal 8 Api Functions You Should Already Know

I enjoyed Fredric Mitchell's talk about Drupal 8 functions. Worth a watch if you are developer or themer.

Build a Blog with Drupal 8 on the Day It's Released

Shameless self plug here. I was honored to be a first time speaker at DrupalCon Austin. In it I discuss why you can probably start building sites on Drupal 8 the day it's released.

Introducing the Drupal 8 Configuration System

Matthew Tift's talk about Drupal 8's Configuration System answered all of my questions. If you are wondering what is going on with CMI check it out.

Migrating the Worlds Largest Website Onto Drupal -

Jason Smith and Chris Hill talk about migration to Drupal. There's a lot of fun in this talk.

The Danger of Having No Why

Haven't had a chance to watch this but I've heard great things about Emma Jane's session.

The State of Drupal Devops

Another talk I've heard good things about. It's on my list to watch and probably should be on yours.


Drupaleasy Podcast 132: Drupalcon Austin Day 2 and 3


Capital Camp & Gov Days


Drupalcon Austin Flickr Album


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Published by Bob Kepford

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