Issue 145 - July, 3rd 2014
Booting D8CX
Lee Rowlands announces the Drupal 8 Contrib Experience. It's goal is to ensure the best contrib module experience for Drupal 8. Bravo Lee!
This Month in Drupal Documentation
Updates on Drupal Documentation work.
From Our Sponsor

Digital Marketing Audit for Your Drupal Website
Mediacurrent has developed Drupal websites for some of the biggest brands like The Weather Channel, NASCAR, and the NBA. This month we’re giving away a free Digital Marketing Audit. Our audit will look at the major aspects of your online presence aimed at getting more visitors to your website and converting them into customers. The winner will receive actionable tips on SEO, conversion optimization, competitive analysis, and opportunities in your lead generation programs.
CSS Regression Testing with Resemble.js
We all know that being able to see the changes we have made in code using tools like Git or Diff is very useful. Blake Hall introduces us to Resemble.js which allows you to the same thing with the rendered CSS. This is very cool stuff.
Drupal Web Developer Career Series Post 1: Drupal Jobs Landscape
An interesting article about the job outlook for Drupal folk from Gwendolyn Anello of DrupalEasy.
No More CSS in Your Drupal Theme!
Amitai Burstein of Gizra shares how they do theming. I would love to hear more about this method of theming.
Drupal 8
This Month in Drupal Core (June 25, 2014)
Xjm gives us an update on what has been happening with Drupal core in the month of June.
Wai-Aria, Requiring Alt Text, and Other Accessibility Features Now in Drupal 8
Amber Matz of digs into the Accessibility improvements in Drupal 8.
A Lightweight Default Content Solution for Drupal 7 Install Profiles
On the PreviousNext blog Lee Rowlands shares how he is using Composer and YAML files to build default content for an install profile in Drupal 7.
A Recipe for Extending Views Handlers Without Subclassing
Build a Mobile App to Sell Products with Drupal
In this tutorial Tyler Frankenstein walks us through creating a mobile app(Android or iOS) using DrupalGap. The the app will allow users to purchase products as in app purchases.
Creating Users in Drupal with the Services Module's Rest API
Navigating Entity Uris: A Practical Example
Gabe Carleton-Barnes of ThinkShout points out a couple inconsistencies with certain entities from popular Drupal modules and how they worked around this problem
Open Your Issue Automatically from Your Git Repository
A very nice tip from Alex Pott of Chapter Three. I love Git and Bash aliases.
A Module I've Been Wanting for a Long Time — Insert a Block in Wysiwyg
Demo Framework: A Distribution Pretty Much Guaranteed to Blow Their Minds
Heather James highlights the Demo Framework installation profile.
Drupal 7 Jammer Module
Code Karate introduces us to Jammer, a module that allows you to show/hide content type elements from various user roles.
Speedy Install to Pinpointing Slow Performance
A handy tutorial on setting up the XHProf module for performance profiling.
Boxes 7.x-1.2
Colorbox 7.x-2.7
Commons 7.x-3.15
Google_Analytics 7.x-2.0
Guardr 7.x-1.6
The Gizra Way - Drupalcon Austin 2014
I haven't finished watching this video from DrupalCon yet but it Amitai Burstein! And if you have heard him speak before you know you will want to watch this.
Gábor Hojtsy: A Whole New World for Multilingual Sites in Drupal 8 - Acquia Podcast
Gábor Hojtsy: Devdays Szeged and the New Wave of Contribution in Drupal - Acquia Podcast
Kalabox 2.0 with Mike Pirog - Modules Unraveled Podcast
Toadcast 23! - Metal Toad
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