The best Drupal news and links delivered to your inbox every week

Issue 149 - July, 31st 2014

This week's issue is a bit abbreviated due to a death in my family. Thank you for understanding.


Drupal 7.30 Released

Drupal 7.30, a maintenance release with several bug fixes (no security fixes), including a fix for regressions introduced in Drupal 7.29, is now available for download. See the Drupal 7.30 release notes for a full listing.

From Our Sponsor


Countdown to Amsterdam - Shaping the Sessions After Selection


10 Tips for Success as a Remote Employee

Acquia's Jeffrey A. "jam" McGuire offers a great list of tips an advice for remote employees.

Building the Drupal Community in Vietnam: Seeds for Empowerment and Opportunities

Design, Prototype, and Style in Browser

Headless Drupal - Form API, Drupal 9

The Business Behind Open Source

Dries Buytaert

Understanding the Role of the Enterprise in Drupal

Drupal 8

Now Running Drupal 8, in the Most Hipster Way Imagined

Updating the Search API to D8 – Part 3: Creating Your Own Service


Migration Tips and Tricks

Using Display Suite to Provide Field-Level Permissions


Drupal 7 Fieldable Panels Panes

Shane of Code Karate gives us a walk through of the Fieldable Panel Panes module.

Introducing Commerce Card Present for Drupal 7

Like & Dislike Widgets for Drupal

Navbar - the Next Step in Drupal Navigation

You can use the navigation menu from Drupal 8 on your Drupal 7 site today.

Scald: Media Management for Drupal

A promising alternative to the Media module.


Commerce_Kickstart 7.x-2.16

Commons 7.x-3.16

Drupal 7.30

Drupress 7.x-1.0-Alpha8

Eck 7.x-2.0-RC4

Features 7.x-2.1

File_Image_Formatters 7.x-1.1

Node_Expire 7.x-1.4

Openoutreach 7.x-1.8

Openpublic 7.x-1.0-RC2

Panopoly 7.x-1.8

Qui 7.x-1.x-Dev

Interesting new module as an alternative to Views.

Speedy 7.x-1.11

View_Modes_By_View 7.x-1.0


Code Review for Non-Technical Folks

Mediacurrent's Andrew Riley leads us through a high level walkthrough of what Code Reviews are and why we need them.


Drupaleasy Podcast 136: Wolves (Jason Smith -

Mijingo Podcast: Drupal with Jeff Eaton

Jeff Eaton carefully, clearly, and expertly talks through the Drupal landscape with insights of someone with nearly a decade of experience working on the system.

Search in Drupal 8 - Thomas Seidl & Nick Veenhof - Acquia Podcast

Talking Drupal Podcast #056 - OTC #3


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Published by Bob Kepford

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