Issue 155 - September, 11th 2014
Drupal Core Updates for September 4, 2014
Down to only one beta blocker issue!
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Drupalcon for Frontend Developers
Training Spotlight: Drupal 8 for Drupalistas
Training Spotlight: Views from the Ground Up
Better Development Through Emotional Intelligence
Enjoyed reading Fredric Mitchell's latest post on the Phase2 blog. A whole heartily agree that emotional intelligence is undervalued in our field.
Decoupling Drupal
In this Drupal Watchdog article Larry Garfield discusses using Drupal as part of a decoupled CMS
Testing, Testing, One... Two... Three...
Melissa Anderson discusses the Drupal Extension to Behat and Mink on the Drupal Watchdog
The Future of PHP ... at a Distance
Interested in the future of PHP? Read this guest post by Lukas Kahwe Smith on the Acquia blog.
Drupal 8
Extending a Widget for Numeric Fields
Unravelling the Drupal 8 Plugin System
Joe Shindelar does a masterful job of explaining the D8 plugin system on the Drupalize.Me blog.
Death to Field Arrays!
Derek DeRaps shares the awesomeness that is working with fields using EntityMetadataWrappers. If you are a Drupal Dev and have never heard of this you REALLY need to read this post.
How to Do a Combined Name Search
Mediacurrent's David Younker shares a handy Views tip.
Why You Should Not Always Use Drupal Features for Settings, and What You Can Use Instead
A really great recommendation on managing configuration in code by Blair Wadman.
Drupal 7 Node Class Module
Code Karate walks us through the Node Class module, a module that provides an easy way for site builders and themers to add a CSS class directly to the wrapper on the node.
Payment 7.x-1.11
Picture 7.x-2.7
Podcasts Podcast 47 : Drupal as a Services Platform
A lot of smart people talking about the services aspects of Drupal 8.
Drupodcast Drupal Podcast
Looking for a Spanish language Drupal podcast? Check this out.
Help Adam and Angie Build the Drupal Module Upgrader! - Acquia Podcast
The Drupal Project Application Process with Jeremy Rasmussen - Modules Unraveled Podcast
How Did Drupalcon Change Your Life?
Help Robert Douglas make the "Prenote" (The awesome session before the Keynote at DrupalCon) awesome by sharing how DrupalCon has impacted your career/life.
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Director of Web Services
Howard University Washington/DC/US
Full Stack Drupal Engineer
4AllPromos CT/US
Lead Drupal Developer
Third and Grove US