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Issue 177 - February, 19th 2015


Apply for a Drupalcon Grant or Scholarship

GCI 2014 Wrap Up and GSoC 2015 Kick Off

Google's Summer of Code 2015 application period is open. If you are an interested student or mentor check it out.


Drupalcon Latin America 2015: Capture the (D8) Flag

Drupalcon Latin America 2015: Keynote by Dries Buytaert

Drupalcon Latin America 2015: Keynote by Larry Garfield

Drupalcon Latin America 2015: The Future of Commerce on Drupal 8 (And Beyond)

Making Website Magic with the Drupalcon Site Building Track

Sessions are being accepted for DrupalCon LA.


Content Strategy Update: What Are We Up To?

There are over 1.2 million pieces of content on That is quite remarkable. Be sure you read this post on by DA CTO Joshua Mitchell.

How to Maintain Contrib Modules for Drupal and Backdrop at the Same Time - Part 2

In part two David Rothstein answers this common question about Backdrop.

One-Month Retrospective on Backdrop CMS

Nate Haug, one of the founding forkers for the Backdrop CMS project shares some interesting insight into getting the fork of Drupal to its first release.

Drupal 8

Dependency Injection in Drupal 8, an Introduction

A short and sweet look at dependency injection from Thomas Dik.

Responsive Images

Yep, Drupal 8 has support for responsive images baked right in!

Webchick's "Plain Drupal English" Guide to the Remaining Drupal 8 Critical Issues: Drupalcon Bogotá Edition

Where is Drupal 8? What needs to happen to ship a full release? Webchick enlightens us.


Automated Servers and Deployments with Ansible & Jenkins

Drupal 7 Options Element: A Quicker Way to Add Radio and Checkbox Options

Efficient Drupal Development with Tmux and Tmuxinator

If you spend a good part of your day in the command line you will want to check out this Mediacurrent blog post by yours truly.

How to Add Typekit Fonts to Your Drupal Website

There are several ways you could accomplish this task but I recommend you take a look at this method.

Release Day: Free Introduction to Phpstorm Ide

Drupalize.Me now has a series covering PhpStorm. It appear that the series is free and if you would like to learn more this is a great resource.


Introduction to the Super Login Module for Drupal 7

Haven't had the chance to try this module but based on the screenshot it looks great.

Use the Force!

A new project from Cameron Eagans that attempts to provide code completion for PHP without using a IDE.


Aurora 7.x-3.5

Autoassignrole 7.x-1.0-Beta4

Classy_Paragraphs 7.x-1.0-Alpha3

Commerce_Kickstart 7.x-1.33

Commerce_Kickstart 7.x-2.21

Focal_Point 7.x-1.0-Beta4

Magic 7.x-2.2

Openatrium 7.x-2.30

Openoutreach 7.x-1.15

Panopoly 7.x-1.16

Paragraphs 7.x-1.0-Beta6

Super_Login 7.x-1.0-Beta6

Webform 7.x-4.3

Workbench_Moderation 7.x-1.4


Building Sites with Drush Recipes and Profile Builder with Bryan Ollendyke - Modules Unraveled Podcast

Development Based on Drupal's Fundamental Particles - Brad Czerniak - Acquia Podcast Podcast 57 : Front-End Fundamentals, a Book Written by Bots

Hacking Culture 2 : Bill Haenel: Free Software in Public Media

Working on Remote Teams – The Developers - Acquia Podcast


Drupalcamp Johannesburg - South Africa

March 28th in Johannesburg, South Africa.



One of the funniest joke modules I have seen.


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Published by Bob Kepford

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