The best Drupal news and links delivered to your inbox every week

Thanks to our sponsor Pantheon for their support. On to the links.


Drupal Association 2012 elections board candidates announced

Voting is scheduled to begin February 3rd and will be announced on

From Our Sponsor


DrupalCon Denver final sessions are posted!

Top Ten Reasons To Go To DrupalCon Denver

Larry Garfield gives us his ten cents about the value of DrupalCon Denver.

Developer Contest Open for Your Epic Entries

DrupalCons past - Call for photos

Help Paul Johnson collect photos from past DrupalCons.

Security Training at DrupalCon Denver


Drupal Camp Manila 2012

February 25th, 2012 at the Marine Science Institute College of Science, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines.

DrupalCamp Essen 2012

February 25th & 26th in Essen, Germany.

Articles & Tutorials

Why A Duck?

In this article on Drupal Watchdog Karoly Negyesi discusses the concepts behind the Relation module which is a module for managing relationships between Drupal entities.

Sending LOTS of emails (Hint: with Drush)

Most of you know that Drush is a very cool commandline tool you can use for a variety of task. Amitai Burstein shares how you can use Drush to send batches of email messages.

How to Work and Style Breadcrumbs in Drupal 7

Drupal Performance Tuning ++

Search API: The New Face of Search in Drupal

Caching with Varnish, Drupal 7 and Cache Actions

Drupal 7 can be used with Varnish and other reverse proxy servers if configured correctly. This blog post highlights how you can control your cache with Drupal, the Varnish module and the Cache Actions module.

Revisited: Mega Menus in Drupal 7

Installing and Configuring Tomcat 6 and Apache Solr

In this tutorial from you will learn how to setup Tomcat 6 and Apache Solr for Drupal 6 on Ubuntu.

Modules & Themes

Module Monday: Pagepeeker

Jeff Eaton introduces us to Pagekeeper, a module that uses the third party service to generate thumbnail images of links to web sites.

Sasson - smart drupal theming

Sasson is a new theme for Drupal 7 and guess what. I includes Sass and Compass in addition to a bunch of other cool features.


How to Build Beautiful, Dynamic Forms in Drupal 7

In this presentation from Drupal Camp Austin Chris Shattuck of covers building dynamic forms with PHP, CSS, and jQuery.

Custom Email Notifications in Drupal Commerce

Commerce Guy Randy Fay shows us how to do custom per-product email notifications in Drupal Commerce with Rules.

Building a Drupal Site So a Marketing Person Can Manage It

This talk from the Dallas Drupal User Group on discusses an often overlooked and important topic.


DrupalEasy Podcast 73: Lots of Options

Modules Unraveled: 004

In this episode of the Modules Unraveled Podcast Brian chats with Mike Carper about Drupal Front-End Performance.


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Published by Bob Kepford

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