The best Drupal news and links delivered to your inbox every week

Issue 236 - April, 21st 2016


Drupal 8.1.0 Is Now Available

"Drupal 8.1.0, the first minor release of Drupal 8, is now available. With Drupal 8, we made significant changes in our release process, adopting semantic versioning and scheduled feature releases. This allows us to make extensive improvements to Drupal 8 in a timely fashion while still providing backwards compatibility. Drupal 8.1.0 is the first such update."

From Our Sponsor


Come Sprint at DrupalCon

Get the low down on all the sprints happening at DrupalCon New Orleans.

DrupalCon Celebrates Diversity at 'Women in Drupal'

"To help celebrate where we are and where we are going, we would like to formally invite you to Tuesday's Women in Drupal event.


10 Places to Explore Visual & Structural Hierarchy on Drupal Admin Screens

Roy Scholten has some suggestions for helping improve Drupal's admin interfaces.

Building with Drupal & Angular 2: Component Reuse on a Page (Challenge #2)

Matt Davis explains how they solved the issue of placing the same Angular components on a page multiple times.

Drupal Console and Drush Collaboration Efforts

Global Training Days - April 2016 Summary

Learn Why Switched to Pantheon

On Pantheon, is running at 50 million pageviews & 20 million uniques a month at 99.969% uptime across approximately 35 million URLs, 40 terabytes of images, 500 terabytes of video, 6 million registered users, 15 million stories...with 4 developers.

Migration Update for Drupal 8.1

Changes to migration in Drupal 8.1 outlined by Mike Ryan.


Automated Git Deployments for the Rest of Us!

Nathan Kirschbaum has been a part of the Drupal community for about 6 years now, and has been involved in the Laravel community for a little less than half that time. A couple years ago he became frustrated that some of the automated deployment tools we were using with enterprise clients were not available at prices that were appealing and approachable to the little guy. This is his solution.

Bringing Files Along for the Ride to D8

Are you struggling with migrating files to your new Drupal 8 site? This Evolving Web blog post may help.

Custom RESTful API in Drupal 8

"This is a very simple module that demonstrates implementation of a custom RESTful API in Drupal 8. Creating your own API with Drupal 8 has become a routine task that doesn't require a lot of work."

Drupal 8 Theme Generation and Development Intro Using the Drupal Console

This video walks you through generating a Drupal 8 theme using the Drupal Console project.

Drupal How-To: Adding Images to Your Site. the Basics, and How to Tweak the Defaults

In this tutorial Heather James walks you through image management in Drupal 8.

Taming Facet API Paths

Altering generated paths, with a twist.


Drupal 8 Module of the Week: Coffee

Coffee is one of those modules I always forget about and think, why am I not using this on every site?


Drupal 8.1.0

Cdn 7.x-2.8

Components 8.x-1.0

Fate 7.x-1.2

Features 7.x-2.10

inline_entity_form 7.x-1.8

key_value_field 8.x-1.0-Beta1

Openatrium 7.x-2.61

Openchurch 8.x-2.0-Rc4

Panopoly 7.x-1.33

Pathauto 8.x-1.0-Alpha3

Quickedit 7.x-1.5

Thunder 8.x-1.0-Beta5

workbench_moderation 8.x-1.0


DrupalEasy Podcast 173 - Secret Bunker (Peter Wolanin, Cathy Theys - Drupal Security Team)

How Laura Moved from Sales to Tech - a Drupal Story - Acquia Podcast

Mediacurrent: Dropcast: Episode 18 - Try Try Again

Palantir Podcast, Ep. 04: Everything You Need to Know About DrupalCon New Orleans


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Published by Bob Kepford

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