Issue 22 February 16, 2012
New DA Board Members, training events, and a bevy of great articles. On to the links.
Bob Kepford
First-ever Community-elected Board Members Announced
Donna Benjamin (KatteKrab) of Australia and Steve Purkiss (stevepurkiss) of the United Kingdom were elected to the Drupal Association as at-large Board Members last week.
Help upgrade to Drupal 7
From Our Sponsor
Get Your Invitation to Pantheon
As a reader of the Weekly Drop, we are pleased to offer you early access to Pantheon. Pantheon is a free service for Drupal developers that lets you effortlessly develop and run Drupal sites that are fast, stable and secure. Sign up here to receive your invitation immediately.
Orlando - DrupalEasy Presents Acquia's Drupal in a Day
February 24, 2012 at the UCF Executive Development Center in Orlando, Florida.
DrupalCamp Singapore
April 3rd, 2012 in Singapore.
NTC Drupal Day for Nonprofit IT Professionals
April 3rd, 2012 at the Hilton Union Square in San Francisco, California.
Drupalcon Training: an Absolute Beginners Guide to Drupal
New to Drupal? Get a head start with this day long training tailored to Drupal newbies.
Earl Miles: Training at DrupalCon!
You heard it right, merlinofchaos will be doing a day log training with Lullabot at Drupalcon Denver covering Views, Panels and other tools.
A Responsive Drupal theme in 0 lines of code
We featured Tsachi Shlidor's post on Sasson a SASS powered theme back in Issue 20. This week Tsachi responds to Howard Tyson's post "A Responsive Drupal Theme in 50 Lines of Code or Less" with a none code method using Sasson.
LossLess Theme Image Optimization with ImageOptim
Learn how to slim down those images without losing quality. If you are using Photoshop to do this, you are probably missing out.
How I Switched My Blog From Drupal To Jekyll
Static site generators like Jekyll are hot right now for good reason. Matthew Farina shares his experiences migrating from Drupal to Jekyll.
Integrating Drupal Webforms with Salesforce
Over on the Urban Insight blog Chris Loos shows us how to integrate Drupal webforms with Salesforce.
Make a link use ajax in Drupal 7 (it's easy)
James Silver shows us how to ajaxify your links in Drupal 7. If you're new to ajax this might be a good time to dip your toe in the water.
Module Monday: Touch Icons
Touch Icons module is simple. It makes it easy to add a the Web Clip Icon used by iOS when a user saves a site to the home screen of their iOS device.
Simple Field Module: Introducing a Simpler UI for Creating Fields
Drupal fields are great right? But what if you want to simplify the options when creating a field and provide more granular permissions? That is exactly the use case that the Simple Field module was created to fill.
Modules Unraveled: 008 Tim Plunkett and the FullCalendar Module
Brian is on a tear releasing episodes of his Modules Unraveled Podcast. He's interviewing folks from the Drupal community that you may not have heard of but should have.
Location, Location, Location
Karen Stevenson of Lullabot gives us the lowdown on locations as it relates to SEO, Google Places, Structured Data, and Geositemaps.
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Senior Product Manager
CivicActions US
Documentation Lead
Drupal Association Anywhere
Full Stack Drupal Engineer
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