Issue 252 - August, 11th 2016
Statistics Module Now Has an Overridable Backend
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Why is Your Site Slow?
Speed is a feature many clients assume they will get but do not always ask for. In fact, you are more likely to hear your clients ask for features or functionality that will make the site slower. Then, right before launch, clients will ask “why is this site so slow?” Join Steve Persch of Pantheon and Marc Drummond of Lullabot on August 25th as they dive into the many answers to this question and look for the root causes of slow sites. Register for the webinar now.
7 New Improvements You'll See in Drupal 8.2
Steve Burge highlights some of the changes in Drupal 8.2.
There Will Never Be a Drupal 9
Steve Burge makes a bold statement. "So, Drupal is adjusting successfully to the new reality. Big releases are probably history. Drupal's future is in regular, small, backwards-compatible releases."
There Will Be a Drupal 9, and Here Is Why
Gábor Hojtsy responds to Steve Burge's bold declaration that there will never be a Drupal 9. Worth reading.
Drupal 8 Module Development: Mad with Power
Module development in Drupal 8 is drastically different from Drupal 7 and previous versions. After you learn a few tricks, you’ll be surprised by how much you can do with so little code. This webinar will cover what it means for module development that Drupal 8 is object oriented, how to leverage the power of an IDE like never before, how to speed up development, and more.
Getting to Grips with Automated Deployment in Drupal 8
Avoiding Drupal 7 #AJAX Pitfalls
Creating Landing Pages with Drupal 8 and Paragraphs
If you've heard all the buzz about Paragraphs module but haven't had time to check it out give this post a look for a simple example of how you can use this versatile project.
How to Attach a CSS or JS Library to a View in Drupal 8
How to Install Drupal 8 (And Composer) on Windows 10 Bash
How to Validate Field Submissions in Drupal
Daniel Pickering shows us how you can set up text validation in Drupal 8 without writing any custom code.
It's August 2017: You're Still on Drupal 6, and That's OK!
A letter from the future about your Drupal 6 site.
JQuery.cookie in Drupal 7
Stop Telling Users That Another User Has Modified the Content in Drupal 8
"Every Drupal developer knows the following error message (maybe some by heart): The content has been modified by another user, changes cannot be saved."
Twig Extensions and Views FTW in Drupal 8
Working with Views can be a challenge. But Israel Morales says, "Many developers use the preprocess functions, or alter the query of the view, however there is another option: twig filters."
Overview of the Commerce 2.x Module for Online Stores
The DrupalConsole RC-1 Release Is Close with a Lot of Changes.
The Drupal Console project is being broken up into separate projects.
Use the Official Docker Drupal Library and Its Developer Version
admin_views 7.x-1.6
Bean 7.x-1.11
Drupal 8.1.8
Drupal 8.2.0-Beta1
Features 8.x-3.0-Beta7
focal_point 8.x-1.0-Beta2
Lightning 8.x-1.03
migrate_plus 8.x-2.0-Beta2
Openatrium 7.x-2.66
Panopoly 7.x-1.38
Quiz 7.x-5.0-Rc3
Thunder 8.x-1.0-Beta9
Mediacurrent: Friday 5: 5 Free QA Webtools
The Open Mic: DrupalCamp Ottawa 2016 Round Table
DrupalCamp LA 2016
August 27-28, 2016 in Irvine, California.
DrupalGamp Sydney 2016
September 3rd, 2016 in Sydney, Australia.
BADCamp 2016
October 20-23, 2016 in Berkeley, California.
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