Issue 277 - February, 16th 2017
Drupal Core Announcements: 7.x-2.x Version of API Module Ready for Testing
"The major changes are that it uses a different (and external) parsing library for parsing PHP files, and it uses Composer to manage its external library dependencies."
Help Triage Major Bugs at the Florida DrupalCamp or Your Local Camp (Yes, You!)
Nominations Are Now Open for the 2017 Aaron Winborn Award
Just a reminder that nominations are open until March 1, 2017. If you know someone that should be up for this reward don't wait any longer.
What's New on - January 2017
From Our Sponsor
3 Tips for a Successful Ektron to Drupal Conversion
With its recent acquisition, many Ektron CMS users are making the switch to Drupal. Whether you are doing a redesign and only migrating content, or replatforming an existing site, knowing the ins and outs of Ektron will help it go more smoothly. Learn best practices for content migration using XLIFF, how to get the most out of Ektron templates when converting your design to Drupal, and more.
Between the Cracks of Decoupled (Drupal) Architecture
In this article Campbell Vertesi provides an insightful look at the issues that can arise when you add the complexity of a decoupled architecture to your Drupal project.
Distributions Remain a Growing Opportunity for Drupal
Dries Buytaert provides some historical background on Drupal distributions and proclaims that they remain viable and relevant.
Drupal Career Resource Central
The jobs outlook for web developers is looking better than ever! DrupalEasy just updated the DrupalEasy Academy career resources center with more links to recent job and salary statistics, stories and advice to help you (or a friend) determine if and how a Drupal career is right for you.
Getting Started with Drupal 8 and Composer
Deeson's Mark Pavlitski shares how they are using Composer in their development and deployment workflow.
How Nasdaq Offers a Drupal Distribution as-a-Service
Dries Buytaert describes how Nasdaq is using Drupal 8 installation profiles to provide out of the box investor relation sites to their clients.
Rethinking Theme Structure in Drupal 8
Mediacurrent's Zack Hawkins plots out a new approach to structuring your files for a theme. Zack is recommending centering around components instead of file types. I really like this approach, especially on larger projects with many components.
Turn Your Drupal Site Into Google Home
See what Bryan Ollendyke has cooked up over on the Penn State Drupal blog. Pretty interesting stuff.
Add reCaptcha to Your Drupal 7 Forms Programatically
A surprisingly simple task.
Drupal 8 Configuration Management for Multi-Site
How to Configure Varnish Cache for Drupal with SSL Termination Using Pound or Nginx
Installing Drupal Console on Windows
Migrating to Drupal 8? Check if Your Drupal 7 Modules Are Ready
Profiling Drupal 8 Sites in Drupal VM with XHProf and Tideways
Jeff Geerling shows us how to use Tideways, a XHProf replacement in Drupal VM.
Tips for Managing Drupal 8 Projects with Composer
If you are using Composer with Drupal projects this post from Jeff Geerling is a must read.
Upgrading a Drupal 7 Module to Drupal 8 - Adding Routing and Menu Links
We're One Year Into Drupal 6 EOL How Long to Go?
YAML Formatting and Drupal 8 - Making Things Readable
DIY Drupal Hosting: OpenDevShop
OpenDevShop is built on top of Aegir and in this post you can see how it can be used to give your dev team flexibility by making it easy to spin up new sites quickly. I've been testing it out myself and I'm impressed with it.
Drupal 8 Module (Distro!) of the Week: Open Social
Drupal 8 Module of the Week: Brightcove Video Connect
A great example of a company sponsoring development of a contributed module.
Thom8/drupal8-Vagrant: Simple Drupal 8 Development Environment
I'm a fan of DrupalVM but multiple people have been telling me that I should check out this project for those times when you want a simple and quick Drupal environment. Worth a look if you are looking to get a Drupal 8 site going locally in short order.
Address 8.x-1.0-Rc4
Iframe 8.x-1.7
Panopoly 8.x-2.0-Alpha5
Paranoia 7.x-1.7
site_settings 8.x-1.8
Webform 7.x-3.27
Webform 8.x-5.0-Beta6
Acquia Podcast 246: Don't Miss Drupal Camp London 2017!
DrupalEasy Podcast 191 - Blewis Is His Name (Brian Lewis - Composer Workflows)
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