Issue 282 - March, 23rd 2017
Goodbye Project Applications, Hello Security Advisory Opt-In
"Any user on who has accepted our Git usage policy may now create full projects with releases. This is a big change in policy for the Drupal project, representing an evolution of the contribution ecosystem in the past half a decade." This was announced last week before Tim Lehnen's post on was published. It will be interesting to see what impact this change has on the Drupal community.
From Our Sponsor
Decoupling Drupal 8.x: Drupal’s Web Services Today and Tomorrow
Drupal 8 was released in 2015 with web services capabilities off the shelf. Since then, the community has continued to address new changes in the world of web services. Join this tech talk to learn why new versions released since 2015 are improved and how Drupal is solidifying itself as the vanguard of API-first content management.
DrupalCon Schedule and BoF Sign-Ups Are Live!
Editorial Workflow Head-to-Head: Paragraphs vs Entity Embed vs Panelizer
A great look at the different approaches you can take with content in Drupal 8 from Damien McKenna. He walks us through the pros and cons of each approach as well as many other considerations with your approach to content architecture.
Do You Really Need Composer in Production?
"It is now a common practice to use composer as part of the deployment stack. Is this always such a good idea?" Pascal makes some valid points about the weaknesses in this deployment approach. It's a topic that has been debated in other communities like the Javascript community. I doubt it will stop being debated but it's worth discussion.
The Accumulation of Technical Debt, or How a Recently Opened Critical Core Bug Is 15 Years Old
A surprisingly fascinating look into how a core bug came into existence by Nathaniel Catchpole of Third & Grove
Cultivating Open Source and Drupal in China
Most Common Drupal Site Building Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them! (Part 2 of 3)
This is the second in a series of articles, in which David Snopek from myDropWizard shares the most common pitfalls they've seen, and solutions so YOU can avoid making the same mistakes when building your sites!
Setup Drupal Commerce for CI and Behat Testing
Making a Splash, 2017 German Drupal Awards
"Members of the German Drupal community — contributors, service providers, end users — came together to celebrate their successes in 2016 with the world’s leading open source content management system and application platform at the 2017 German Splash Awards."
Drupal Asset Module as “Components”
"A Drupal 7 site-builder (and more) way to create reusable components that can be dynamically added & configured by content admins/editors."
ES6 for Drupal Developers: Getting Started with ES6
Acquia's Preston So will help get you started on the road to Javascript: ES6 understanding. Full of good info for those that wanna get on the Javascript train and those that only dabble when it's required.
ES6 for Drupal Developers: Spread, Default Values, and Destructuring
In part two of this Javascript series Preston So dives into deeper topics that are very useful as you learn to write modern Javascript.
Storing User Data Such as Preferences in Drupal 8 Using the UserData Service
Transitioning to Drupal 8: Admin Forms
Once again Blair Wadman compares and contrasts Drupal 8 code with Drupal 7 code this time focusing on administrative forms.
Updating the Salesforce Suite to Drupal 8: Major Changes for a Big Module
Learn about the long-awaited effort underway to port the Salesforce Suite, a complex Drupal 7 module, to Drupal 8. In this tech talk, we'll explore dozens of new Drupal 8 APIs, architectural decisions to consider planning your projects, issues management, team coordination and more.
Advagg 7.x-2.21
Cas 8.x-1.0-Beta3
Coder 8.x-2.12
Commerce 8.x-2.0-Beta6
Ds 8.x-3.0-Alpha1
Lightning 8.x-2.05
migrate_plus 8.x-2.0
migrate_tools 8.x-2.0
Salesforce 8.x-3.0-Beta1
Varnish 7.x-1.4
Viewfield 8.x-3.0-Alpha2
Views 7.x-3.16-Rc1
Workbench 8.x-1.0-Alpha4
Drupal Modules: The One Percent — Alert to Administrator (Video Tutorial)
Acquia Podcast - 253: Mumbai Memories - Abhishek Anand
DrupalEasy Podcast - DE Live: Drupal 9 Reaction
Mike and Ryan talk about Dries' Drupal 9 Blog Post.
DrupalEasy Podcast 192 - 8+ Reasons to Love Drupal 8+
Lullabot Podcast - the Infrastructure Team
Talking Drupal #139 Using an IDE
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