The best Drupal news and links delivered to your inbox every week

Issue 288 - May, 4th 2017


DrupalCon Nashville 2018

The next North American DrupalCon will be on April 9 - 13, 2018 in Nashville, Tennessee.

Mollom End-of-Life Announcement

"As of 2 April 2018, Acquia will no longer support or maintain the Mollom product."

From Our Sponsor


Dries Buytaert: State of Drupal Presentation (April 2017)

DrupalCon Baltimore 2017: Decoupled from the inside Out

If you care about decoupled Drupal and the related APIs you should watch this video.

Basic DevOps Skills: Where to Start and How to Learn

Client Management: Building Happy, Healthy Client Relationships

Don't Drown in Your Open Source Project!

Jeff Geerling shares his experiences with maintaining open source projects.


Drupal & Vue.js: How to Work Without jQuery

Owning a Drupal Project Lifecycle: Architecture, Implementation, Maintenance

Build a robust *and* sustainable Drupal site. As web applications become more powerful they also become more complicated to develop. It’s a balancing act with a slim margin for error: botch project development and face long term technical debt. Join us to learn how to create a Drupal application that’s built for longevity and functionality.

What You Should Know Before Upgrading to Drupal 8.3

Worth reading if you are using experimental modules in 8.2.


An Overview of Testing in Drupal 8

A great testing overview from Lullabot's Juampy.

Building Flexible REST API Clients in Drupal 8

Joel Steidl explains how you can efficiently create API clients in Drupal 8 with services.

Drupal Is Changing, Quickly: How and Why

Have you heard all the buzz about the new features being developed now for Drupal 9? No? That’s because they are being developed and added to Drupal 8. Drupal 8 has changed the way Drupal core is developed. Join us to find out how these changes will affect you.

DrupalVM and CircleCI: Deploying for the Wins

Using `git Bisect Run` with Drupal

Git bisect is one of those Git commands that makes you feel like you have super powers. Tim Plunkett walks us through a real life use case.



"Docksal is a tool for defining and managing development environments. It brings together common tools, minimizes configuration, and ensures environment consistancy throughout your continuous integration workflow."

Emulsify // Pattern Lab + Drupal 8

"By integrating with Pattern Lab, Emulsify allows you to build and manage components in a way that makes sense for your workflow. So instead of having to use Drupal's template names, your Emulsify-based project can work with custom template names that make sense for the project, developers, and clients."


config_ignore 8.x-2.0-Rc2

Ctools 8.x-3.0

Deploy 7.x-3.0

Df 8.x-2.0-Rc3

fieldable_path 8.x-1.0-Rc2

Guardr 8.x-1.0-Alpha1

Jsonapi 8.x-1.0

Panelizer 8.x-4.0

Panels 8.x-4.1

Pathauto 8.x-1.0

Restui 8.x-1.14

Token 8.x-1.0

Workflow 7.x-2.10

Wysiwyg 7.x-2.4


Friday 5: 5 Command Line Tools You Should Use NOW

Once again I had the pleasure of being a guest on the Mediacurrent Friday 5 show. This time I introduce 5 useful command line tools.


DrupalEasy: DrupalCon Baltimore Day 1 Recap

DrupalEasy: DrupalCon Baltimore Day 2 Recap

Talking Drupal #143 - Content Ordering


Periodic Table of Drupal 8 Modules


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Published by Bob Kepford

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