Issue 307 - September, 14th 2017
Drupal 8.4.0-Rc1 Is Available for Testing
"The first release candidate for the upcoming Drupal 8.4.0 release is now available for testing. Drupal 8.4.0 is expected to be released October 4."
Drupal Association Board Meeting Announcement
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DrupalCon Europe: Solving for “How to Provide Unique Value”
DrupalCon Europe: Solving the Financial Problem
DrupalCon News: Introducing a New Form of Drupal Sprints: Drupal Marketing Sprints
A Project Manager Walks Into Decoupled Dev Days
Agencies: How Do You Convince Your Developers That Support Is Fun!?
Drupal 8.4 Is Coming Soon
Addison Berry of Drupalize.Me give us the low down on the new 8.4 release of Drupal.
How Digital Government Is Evolving with Drupal
Accessible Drupal 8 Modals When Javascript Is Disabled
Drupal 8.3: Create Programmatic Custom Breadrumb
How to Alter Node URL Alias Based on Taxonomy Term in Drupal 8
What to Know if You’re New to Drupal Project Management
When facing a new Drupal project, you may not know all the right Drupal development concepts, workflows, and best practices to be successful. Drawing from first-hand experience in the field, I’ll provide a BOK (Body of Knowledge) to help guide development efforts. You’ll learn about: code management, design guiding principles, project management, and project functionality design.
Autocomplete Deluxe Released for D8
"The Autocomplete Deluxe module provides a widget that enhances the default autocomplete field in Drupal."
admin_toolbar 8.x-1.20
Drupal 8.4.0-Rc1
entity_reference_uuid 8.x-1.0
field_permissions 8.x-1.0-Beta3
focal_point 7.x-1.1
Graphql 8.x-3.0-Alpha6
Jsonapi 8.x-1.2
search_api_autocomplete 8.x-1.0-Beta1
Webform 8.x-5.0-Beta18
Drupal Modules: The One Percent — Link Attributes Widget (Video Tutorial)
Lullabot Podcast: Talking Performance with Pantheon's David Strauss and Josh Koenig
On the Air with Palantir, Ep. 08: Los Drupaleros
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