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Issue 320 - January, 4th 2018


"processed" Property of Text Fields Now Available in REST

An Update on the Developer Tooling Initiative for - Part 1

You can click through to read all three initiatives updates in the series.

File Entities' HAL+JSON Serialization No Longer Contain the Absolute URL by Default for Their 'uri' Field Value

From Our Sponsor


A First Taste of Drupal Theming Using Pattern Lab

Drupal Is Great for Nonprofits. What About Managing Relationships?

As Drupalers, we spend a lot of time thinking about websites - but the website is only the first step! If your beautiful Drupal site is doing its job, then people will be able to find you and contact you. But what happens then? What's the best way to track customers, investors, donors, volunteers - and all of your contacts? Read on, Drupalers! We have some thoughts on this challenge!

Selling an Item for $1.6M with Elm and Headless Drupal

A very entertaining read.


Clean CSS with Stylelint

Dries Buytaert explores CSS linting.

How to Stop an Intelligent Spambot

Are You Ready to Develop Better, Faster, and Less Expensively for the Web?

Learn how DDEV Enterprise can improve your CI/CD workflow today.

Importing an Atom Feed with the Drupal 8 Migrate API and Paragraphs (Part 1)

Stack Configurations in Docksal


Field Notes: UI Patterns Module


admin_toolbar 8.x-1.22

Deploy 8.x-1.0-Beta3

Firebase 8.x-1.3

Insert 8.x-1.0

Jsonapi 8.x-1.7

jsonapi_extras 8.x-1.0-Rc1

migrate_spreadsheet 8.x-1.0

Multiversion 8.x-1.0-Beta7

Release 2.5.0 · Wodby/docker4drupal

Token 8.x-1.1

views_bulk_operations 8.x-2.0-Beta1

Webform 8.x-5.0-Rc1

Workspace 8.x-1.0-Beta5


Behind the Screens with Jim Birch

Behind the Screens with Thom Toogood

Dropcast: Episode 35 - Obligatory 2017 in Review Episode

DrupalEasy Podcast 201 - Jacob Rockowitz - Webform


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Published by Bob Kepford

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